Chapter 10

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The boys were enjoying some time on the boardwalk and having a great time with their friends while their mother was at the spas enjoying some time off. Takemichci knew the boys would be okay alone and now she was in the hot springs, thinking about her life and get rid of her sorrows.

Haurto " so what are we going to do about our mother stalkers"

Ayumu " I say we break every bone they have and make sure they stay away forever"

Diasuke " okay that will be our back idea but we can't do to much damage because it would make our mother worry even more"

Masuma " then what are we doing to do because they seem like they won't go away"

Diasuke " I say we have the some more personal words with them before we do something else stupid" diasuke had noticed someone out of his eye, he soon took a walk away from his brothers and friends because he saw the last man for before.

Diasuke " hey buddy didn't I tell you and your creepy friend to leave my mother alone"

Draken " hey there kiddo I want to have some words with you about your mother" when the man said those words daisuke punched him but draken couldn't stop it, he was soon punched in the mouth by his own son.

Diasuke " don't say a word about my mother I don't care who you are if you come anywhere near my mother I will make you a dead man"

Draken " please I need to talk to your mother ... even your siblings as well please it important"

???? " over our dead bodies you are coming near our mother"

Nakio " what do you need from our mother anyways you look like a mobsters and we know our mother some step down to your level and be friends with you"

Draken " I know you might have some questions but I and my friends have the answers"

????? "What are you doing here draken" the boys and their friends turned around and saw Takemichci standing there, and she looked mad it was a rare thing to see omega mad.

Takemichci " I thought I mad it clear stay the hell away from me and my kids I hate you and the others"

Draken " please Takemichci I still love you ....." Takemichci soon slapped the older alpha hard in the face leaving a mark, getting the whole group attention.

Takemichci " you still haven't changed I don't care if you still love me you are nothing to me understood"

Hartuo " mom how do you know him and his friends"

Takemichci "we will have this conversation back at home and draken if you keep our bother my family I will call the cops ..... come on kids se are leaving now" the kids follow after the female omega but draken was getting a dirty look from his son, who had mouthed something to draken getting the boys wondering what was happening. Takemichci knew she was going to have a difficult conversation with her sons that she was hoping to have when, they were older or she was on her death bed she didn't want her ex in her kids lives at all but it seemed like that was not going to happen.

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