Chapter 13

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Nakio didn't bring up the meeting with his father that much after that day with Takemichci, and she was not going to push him to tell her more information. He exes started showing up around the house and bakery asking to see their sons, and she knew it was up to the boys pass this point. One night she was closing up shop when Mikey showed up out of now where, and it seemed like he came to start darma.

Takemichci " whay are you doing here Mikey"

Mikey " I came to see my son Takemichci please"

Hartuo " what is your deal old man you keep on harassing my mom, like some prevent creep do I need it kicks some manner into you"

Takemichci " hartuo"

Mikey " hey there champ it good to finally meet you"

Hartuo " shut up old man I came here because I helping my mom close up shop"

Takemichci " hartuo would you like to have a day or hour with your father tomorrow like your brother"

Hartuo " well I want to say no but I wanted to see what makes this man so invisible and once I learn it, I can do a better job"

Mikey " you are very cocky for a little kid"

Hartuo " you to old maybe we should get your ready for a retirement home" Mikey smirked at his sons comments while Takemichci should there trying not to laugh.

Mikey " fine I will show you how a real man fights"

Hartuo " so I wouldn't learn something from you well goodbye old man" hartuo soon pushed his father out of door and locked it, he even pulled the blinds down.

Takemichci " what I'm going to do with you boys"

Hartuo " love us and masuma made dinner"

Takemichci " well that wonderful" hartuo soon agreed to meet his father tomorrow at the sano family dojo, when Takemichci had told Mikey over the phone the man sound happy to finally get to know his son.

The next day

Mikey " it great you finally got to come here this was the old dojo I use to spend my time"

Hartuo " oh I'm guessing your sister Emma is our blood aunt I'm right"

Mikey " yes Emma had told me she had meet you and your brothers a while back"

Hartuo " yes so is it true I have two uncles shinichrio and Izana"

Mikey " yes you do the only one I speak to is shinichrio he on trip so you won't meet him ... Izana is different story"

Hartuo " I know the story so my grandmother was a great women that from the stories I have heard, not from mom"

Mikey " yes she was not always there for her children"

Hartuo " aww so you become like her walking away from someone who needs you ..... looks like the apple dose not fall far from the tree"

Mikey " you know you are right I failed as a father but I'm here now can you give me a chance"

Hartuo " yes you failed as a father and mate and what makes you think you can start over again, you have broken at many relationships with your stupid friends" Mikey was soon on the ground he didn't even see his son kick him under his feet, with a seeking move in Mikey book.

Mikey " nice move there kid hey maybe one time I can show you my special move"

Hartuo " aww that cute old man but I think I can do better when it comes to your move"

Mikey " your mother has done a great job raising you I can't be prouder"

Hartuo " it not about you well dad it was great time but I have to get going see you around ... if you are not tossed in jail anytime soon" Hartuo soon smirked at his father and soon left the dojo he had walked passed Emma getting the women, full attention but he gave her a nice smile before leaving the dojo.

Hangaki resistance

Takemichci " so how did it go with your father love"

Hartuo " the old man okay but I don't think we are going to have great relationship"

Takemichci " well that okay kiddo you don't have to have story book relationship with your father"

Hartuo " thanks mom"

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