Chapter 5

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It was a Friday night and hina had asked takemichi to coming dancing with her at a club, at first takemichi said no because she had her family business and the kids. When the boys heard of this girls night from their aunt they said she had to go so now she getting ready in her room. She hadn't been clubbing for a long time the last time she went dancing with hina was a few months before she become pregnant.

Takemichi " why I'm doing this to myself" takemich is wearing a blue knee length dress with one side that had a sleeve and the other side was sleeveless. She was even looking more younger then she was which made her laugh about the whole thing. She soon came downstairs when she heard hina voice, she had a small purse that went with her dress and black heels. Her hair was in curls and she was wearing makeup which was a rare thins for her to do.

Hina " you look like a beautiful mother"

Takemichi " oh hush and you don't look so bad" hina was wearing and sleeves black dress with some black heels, and her hair long as well.

Daisuke " hey mom we want to .... Wow you look beautiful"

Takemichi " thanks honey so what were you going to ask"

Hartuo " hey Daisuke did you ask mom if we can do take out ramen .. wow mom you look beautiful"

Takemichi " aww sweeties you are so nice and yes you can order take our, there money on the counter and can one of you make sure the stray dogs and cats don't get into the trash cans again .... I don't need the judgement old ladies getting on my cause again"

Ayumu " sure"

Naoki " when will you be home"

Takemichi " before midnight and you guys can stay up and watch movies, and if you guys have friends over please keep the volume low and don't cause a mess"

Masura " yes mom have a fun night"

Hina " come on lets get you out there and having fun, and have maybe we can find you a new love"

Takemici " very funny" soon takemichi and hina had left the house the boys were happy for their mother but, they had a feeling something bad might happened but they knew their mother could defended herself. The guys had made some calls to some friends because it seemed like they might have their first gang meeting.

At the club

Takemici " hey how did you find out about this club anyways it amazing here"

Hina " a friend told me about this place" you and hina were dancing and having some drinks, but what none of you guys knew was that the club was owned by toman. takemici was having another drink when she decided to step onto the balcony a d give her sons and call become her mother sense were going off.

???? " you know you look beautiful still after all these years" takemichi turned off her phone and soon looked that a guys she never seen before until now it was darken.

Takemichi " I could say you look handsome but that wonr help because you look like a mess, so I'm guessing this place is owned by you and the others"

Draken " yeah do you love it"

Takemihci " that not important right now why are you here and speaking to me now it been fourteen years draken"

Draken " I miss you no we all miss you"

???? " he not wrong"

Takemichi " oh great the might leader of women is here mikey the invisible"

Mikey " hey take-chan"

Takemichi " it takemichi hanagaki to all of you are ms hanagaki"

???? " you are a mother why are you dress like that trying to replace us"

Takemichi " aww you still have a trash of mouth don't t you Baji"

Takemihc " oh come on where are mitusya and chifuyu we can make this a whole party of the exes"

Mituysa and chifuyu " hey"

Takemihci " bye im going home to my kids"

Mikey " our kids"

Takemichi " so now they are your guys kids because last time I remembered they were my so called mistake, you know what I cant wait until the day my sons put you all in your place because you guys cant always stay on top"

Baji " oh come on you still love us and you will never find anyone to replace us"

Takemichi " Baji come here please" Baji soon walked over to takemihc and she soon slapped him hard leaving a red mark on his face, she even drew blood from his check takemihic soon laughed and bit and walked away from her exes but before flipping them off. Hina soon showed up and saw the guys she hated so much, and she soon flipped them off as well and soon both girls were gone. They decided to leave the club and go to a small pub and have some drinks and takemihic was drinking her full.

Takemichi " I hate those bastards and they act so high and might"

Hina " yeah but you did leave a last mark on them, you are no longer the same girl anymore"

Takemichi " yeah" soon takemihc had left the pub after saying goodbye to hina and she soon got home, the light were off and when she turn them on she saw everything was clean. She soon took off her heels and walked upstairs to bed and her hand was still string from the slap.

Back at the club

Baji " damit that girl can slap hard"

Chifuyu " she left a last mark"

Baji " I can love a girl who can handle herself well"

Draken " if she has a temper like that then the boys have one like her"

Mikey " well I'm not giving up I will have my takemichi back and raise my son with her'

Mituysa " well so I agreed we are not giving up on her no matter what"

Draken " what about our sons do you think we can convince them to come to out side and help us win over, there mother"

Baji " hey how do we do that idiots hey boys we are your fathers and we left your mother when she told us she was pregnant, with you boys so now we want to be dads ... right that going to work draken"

Draken " what are we going to do"

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