Chapter 15

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The boys were doing some clean of the house after their mother had assigned them some chores, while she was running some errands. The daisuke and Naoki were cleaning out bookshelf when they came across a family album book, with both of them having wondering mind they soon open the book to see old baby pictures of their mother.

Naoki " aww i didn't know mom use to have braids when she was very young"

Daisuke " hey grandma and grandpa look cool in these pictures"

Naoki " hey I didn't know grandpa use to have an motorcycle wow he was a cool man"

Hartuo " hey what are you guys looking at"

Daisuke " looking at old baby pictures of mom want to see"

Amuyu " sure"

Masura " hey were supposed to clean ... what are you all doing"

Daisuke " old pictures of mom"

Amuyu " hey look mom when she was a teenage .. oh there are our fathers"

Masura " she look better then them"

Hartuo " should we be looking at these pictures"

Daisuke " oh come on don't act like mom dose not have baby pictures of us in some book around here"

Hartuo " hey here a one with mom and auntie hina when they entered middle school"

Daisuke " wow"

Hartuo " hey these are pictures of us on the day when we are born"

Daisuke " wow mom was very young when she had us"

Masura " do you every think she would of given us up for adoption, and went back to living her normal life again"

Daisuke " yes but hey we are here now and we are all happy, well happy until they showed up again"

Hartuo " do you think mom will ever have another kid ... mostly will she have a kid with them"

Masura " as much mom wants to get away from them she really can't because she had her bond with them, and they will always make sure she stayed their omega and no one else",

Amuyu " well if she does have another kid I want a sister"

Nakio " why a sister.

Amuyu " well one I have enough brothers And two I don't what some bratty alpha or beta trying to challenge me"

Hartuo " we love you too amuyu" the boys knew Masura was right even if they tried it keep their mother away from their fathers, they will had their matching bond with their mother. If their fathers did come back into their lives fully they will be watched closely.

Takemichi " hey I'm home how was cleaning"

Daisuke " hey mom now as errands"

Takemichi " good what are you all doing"

Masura " looking at all baby pictures of you"

Takemichi " oh okay found any embarrassing one yet"

Hartuo " no but many of your crying mom .... Wow grandma was right you did cry a lot of child" Takemichi soon joined her sons in the living room.

Daisuke " wait what about this one where you are crying and grandpa is in trouble with grandma"

Takemichi " oh that one you see your grandpa love to pull pranks on me, but one day he wore this monster mask and was standing that the front door waiting for me ...he scared me and I started crying your grandma starts beating him with a broom after that"

Hartuo " that mean"

Takemichi " yeah it was but it was our special bond of him pulling pranks on me and I pulled pranks on him"

Masura " aww"

Takemichi " now come on we can all make dinner together your aunt hina and uncle naoto are coming over, for dinner"

Amuyu " okay" The boys followed their mother into the kitchen and help her make dinner, they asked her if had a daughter what would she named the baby girl. She told them of an name which made the boys happy, but it made Takemichi wonder if she wanted to have another kid, and will she be ready to take on a kid with the same fathers or different father.

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