Chapter 9

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Takemichic had arrived at the beach resort with her kids and their friends they were all staying that this beach mini house the is own by the resort, once everyone mad a claim on their rooms everyone decided to go to the beach. Takemichic is wearing a summer dress and beautiful small straw hat along with some black sun glass, the boys are all swimming in the water or playing pranks on each other.

Takemichi " enjoying some sun and good book"

???? " hey there babe are you here alone" Takemichci looked up from her book to see some werdio looking man, he had an awful smell which was booze mixed cigarettes smoke.

Takemichci " excuse me no"

Random guy " oh come on baby I can show you a great time"

???? " hey mom" Takemichci soon turned around to see her sons standing behind her giving the random dude some death glares.

Random guy " oh you have kids .... I'm sorry"

Hartuo " back off deadbeat she dose not like man of your type and she has better taste" The random guy soon took off running, Takemichci started laughing with her sons.

Masuma " see now you can see that these guys won't be bothering you when he think you have kids"

Takemichci " oh that is so true" the boys had soon ran off once again and went to play with their friends,  Takemichci was hoping this trip will be good but what she didn't know was that her  ex's had just arrived and are staying in the house right next to Takemichci house.

Draken " okay how are we going to find her and the kids"

Mituysa " okay how are we going to find them without pissing off our sons"

Mikey " maybe we should check the beach see if she there" the guys soon changed into some swim wear and went to the beach hoping to see her there with the kids. It didn't take them long to find her but they were all keep their space from her, but they soon all saw their sons this might be the first time they even saw all of them together in person.

Takemichci " why do I have a feeling something bad about to happen"

Nakio " hey mom is everything okay you look worried about something"

Takemichci " it nothing sweetie just remember someone from my past"

Nakio " okay" once again Takemichci sons could tell when their mother was upset about something, soon nakio started looking around when he came across a group of older man and one of them was making eye contact with him. The older group soon walked away but nakio was not letting that go.

Later that night

Nakio " okay we are all here right"

Ayumu " yes we are all here"

Nakio " we need to have an sibling meeting about mom" All the boys got quite and soon looked at their younger brother, all their friends are in the kitchen or living room helping their mother make dinner.

Hartuo " what about mom"

Nakio " I think she might have some stalkers a remember I saw some men at the Bakery a few days ago, but only diasuke and masuma talked to them"

Diasuke " oh yes them mom said they are some old friends of hers"

Hartuo " I don't like them at all and why are they here"

Nakio " I don't know but if they have any business with our mom they have to get threw us, I don't like them or trust them"

Ayumu " then boys it looked like we might have to make sure they stay away for good"

The boys " agreed"

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