Halloween special 1

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It was many years in the past when Takemichci parents and grandmother were still alive, she is getting the boys ready do for their first solo Halloween. They were now seven years old and didn't want their mom taking them trick and treating anymore which made Takemichci feel a bit upset about.

Takemichci " wow are you all dress as vampires at us so cute"

Hartuo " mom you are embarrassing us"

Takemichci " sweetie I'm your mother I have right to embarrass you all now come on we are taking some pictures for your grandparents and aunt hina"

Dasiuke " aww mom"

Takemichci " don't fight me young man"

Mamusa " so we can go trick and treating alone like you promised"

Takemichci " yes like I promised but you guys have to be home before ten remember"

The boys " yes ma'am"

Takemichci " okay you guys can go now but please no fighting we don't need any trouble on Halloween"

The guys " yes mom" the boys soon grabbed their bags and soon took of running leaving Takemichci alone in the house, she was watching some TV and handing out some candy as well. Her grandmother had left to help out with some community project and a Halloween bingo as well.

Takemichci " umm" Takemichci was walking in her room when she bumped into something, and soon enough something was knocked off the shelf. She soon walked over to the thing at was knocked off the shelf and soon saw it was photo album.

Takemichci " oh" she had opened the book to come across a picture of her when she was young and still in her relationship, with her ex mates and it was a Halloween picture they were spending the whole tonight together. She looked at the picture quickly but soon closed it fast.

Takemichci " no I can't think about them I have a better life without them and they are nothing to me" Takemichci soon put the book away and soon, went back to handing out Halloween candy and watching tv she no longer had deep feelings for her ex's her feelings towards them was something different.

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