Chapter 21

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It had been a few days since Takemichi and the boys moved in with her ex mates and everything was going well, or as well as it could be there was still some issues here and there. It seemed like the guys were doing there best to win back their Takemichi and her sons and become a happy family. Takemichi had decided to help hina with her business so she as gone for the day leaving the boys alone with there fathers. Before she left she did have a conversation with her sons who didn't seem all happy to spend time with their dads.

Diasuke " if our plans didn't get canceled we would be hanging out with our friends"

Takemichi " I know honey but hey maybe you can invite them here if you ask permission, from your dads"

Nakio " so you are going to help aunt hina with her business today"

Takemichi " yes there was some young omegas who are in need for help of some matter, and you aunt need some extra hands on deck"

Masura " so we are left here with them all day well that could be interesting"

Takemichi" yes"

Hartua " fine but if they try anything it going to end badly"

Takemichi " I know but have fun today it your weekend"

Ayumu " we will mom see you later tonight"

Takemichi " bye"

The boys " bye" Takemichi soon left the house leaving the boys alone with their fathers, everything was quite.

Mikey " hey what would you boys like to do"

Hartuo " anything our plans had been canceled anyways"

Draken " hey why don't we do fathers and sons thing some of our buddies have kids around your age"

Diasuke " sure"

Masura " what do you have in mind"

Mitusya " why don't we do paint ball tournament it will be fun for all of us and alphas and omegas, are allowed to attend together"

Nakio " sure it seems like fun and it will be better then laying around here"

Baji " see that the spirt and hey maybe this will bring us closer to you boys"

Ayumu " don't get ahead of yourself old man"

Baji " okay" the boys and left for the paint ball tournament after the guys had called their friends, and soon enough everything was agreed on.

With Takemichi

Takemichi " do you ever feeling that something bad about to happen because I'm feeling that now, and it had to involve with my sons and my ex's"

Hina " come on how much trouble can they all make together with hog being gone"

Takemichi " enough trouble to laid them on news and jail cell together"

Back the boys and their fathers

Pah " wait you all know each other"

Pah son " yeah we are all friends from school"

Peh " that cool"

Peh son " don't make this into something it not okay old man"

Smiley " well it sons verse fathers who will win"

Ayumu " we will because are not old as you all but it good to have hope"

Baji " you are pain in ..."

Ayumu " I got it from my father"

Mikey " fine if you kids think you are better then us the win this battle or lose"

Hartuo " it on old man and maybe you can answer some questions about my dear mother, and how she feel in love with you all" the game had started and to the older toman hopes that were soon crashed when their own sons had beaten them in a game.

Takemichi " well this is funny site to see you all got beaten by your child in game of paint ball, and lost majorly funny how the tables had tuned"

Angry " not funny"

Takemichi " oh it funny to me you all acted like you were top dogs all your life but, now you are seeing your sons might take your title all because one major things"

Hakkia " what"

Takemichi " you are all bad father like really I thought one of you would be a good dad, but now you all suck and there are some others things you don't know about your children"

Draken " what that mom of year"

Takemichi " that for me to know and all of you to find out,now all you go home and clean up and maybe even pick up a parenting book and learn something before it to late ... I won't allow anyone of to mess with any of those boys future like you messed with their relationship with their omega parents ... I'm understood"

The guys " yes ma'am"

Takemichi " good I thought after the paint ball accident last time the boys stop playing but I was wrong, have fun boys"

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