Chapter 23

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Takemichi was out running from errands for the business that she was in partnership with hina, she was dropping off some packages and letters. She was about to take a lunch break when she felt like everything was going well as it could be, for her doing the day. She still was wondering when the boys will hear back from their mothers it had been a few weeks, and she was starting to think they were not going to a response from them.

???? " umm excuse me are you Takemichi" Takemichi had felt someone tap her shoulder and soon turned around to see a lady around the same age of her standing there, she was confused about the whole matter.

Takemichi " yes I'm Takemichi how may I help you"

???? " my name is Aimi and I'm the mother of genji, boten, and Tadashi and daichi I had gotten their letter"

Takemichi " oh it so nice to meet you but how did you know of me"

Aimi " in there letter they told me about you and I looked up that you worked, for a bakery that had burnt down are working for find fight of omega rights and help ... I want to meet you about something"

Takemichi " sure why don't we have lunch and talk"

Aimi " thank you"Takemichi and aimi had went to restaurant to speak with each other about the matter of the boys.

Takemichi " they are all like their fathers and that my greatest fear you know"

Aimi " I know what you mean they were times when their fathers were nice and caring and that all ended, when the organization become more bigger and feared"

Takemichi " their own sons hate them but they act all high and mighty"

Aimi " I missed out of on so much with my kids when I got their letter I applied to transfer at my job, to move here I have my place big enough for the boys to come live with me but ... I feel like their father won't allow that"

Takemichi " even with you here the twins will act on their alphas behaviors and try to win you back, I'm dealing with that right now"

Aimi " I know what you mean I'm going to finally meet my boys after so many years away from them, but I wonder what will happen next"

Takemichi " we will have to wait and see but if may know all the boys have formed their own gang"

Aimi " oh yes daichi wrote that down it seems like my ex have to fear their children more then me"

Takemichi " yes I know but I think there are more kids to this so called gang of theirs, and some of them have ..."

Aimi " darker minds I know you don't think I have had private eyes following my kids, I have there are some kids that are around our boys same age ... what I'm trying to say is that the older generation will finally rip what they have sow all of them"

Takemichi " then it seem like we might be team mates on keep on kids alive and see what father our ex's can become"

Aimi " I can agree with you on that"

Takemichi " thank you aimi and I will help you get the days to see your children"

Aimi " thank you"

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