The boys and Christmas ( holiday specail)

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It was Christmas morning and Takemichci was still fast asleep it was the first Christmas her and the kids were spending, after the death of her grandmother her parents could make it because another family matter came up. They did send over some gifts, soon the bedroom leading into Takemichci room flew open fast waking her up quickly. She soon got up from bed and saw her sons looking at her.

Takemichci " I'm seeing you boys have been up since five right"

Nakio " yes we have we promised to wait until seven and it seven mom"

Dasiuke " come on mom let go open the gifts"

Takemichci " okay I will meet you boys in the living room let me but on a sweater please"

Ayumu " okay" the boys soon left the room and Takemichci soon changed into some warmers wear , and she soon made her way to the living room where the boys were waiting.

Hartuo " mom"

Takemichci " I'm coming I'm coming p"

Masuma " can we open the gifts now please"

Takemichci " yes you can open them now kiddos" the boys soon started opening their gifts and falling in love with them as well, they boys have been given some actions figure from their favorite cartoon.

Masuma " aww mommy how did you get them"

Takemichci " some people own me a major favor honey"

Diasuke " cool how do you love you gift from us"

Takemichci " I love it honey how did you all give get this necklace"

Hartuo " well we called grandpa about it and he helped us pay for it, if we made up half of the money"

Takemichci " aww you boys are so sweet"

Dasiuke " can we go play in the snow for the whole mom"

Takemichci " sure you can honey but please put on your coats we will have dinner later on tonight, your grandparents and aunt will be coming later on tonight"

The boys " okay mom" Takemichci was watching the boys outside when she love her life with the kids, and she didn't want her ex's coming back to ruin the happiness she had found here and made for herself as well.

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