Chapter 16

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Takemichi was doing some shopping on her own while the boys were somewhere hanging out with their friends, there were times when she enjoyed shopping alone and there were times she hated shopping alone. There were always creepy alphas and betas looking at her and they would sometime follow her around. That was happened that a moment some alpha was not getting the hint that Takemichi wanted to be left alone and didn't want him near her.

Alpha " oh come on beautiful I can make worth your while come have some fun with me"

Takemichi " I said no now please leave me alone"

Alpha " oh come on baby ...."

????? " hey buddy she said back off right now" the alpha hot shot soon turned around to see Baji standing there and he was beyond piss, the wannabe alpha soon knew who he was messing with and started to panic he was dead.

Alpha " I didn't know she was your mate"

Baji " well now you know beat it buddy now"

Alpha " sorry" the wannabe alpha soon took off running leave Takemichi and baji together, Takemichic had many things she wanted to say but she kept her mouth closed. It was starting to become a tend when she started seeing her exes around town even more and they were, always come up with some reason to speak with her.

Baji " hey why don't I give you a ride home I want to make sure you are safe"

Takemichi " fine but don't take this as we are starting over im only doing this because I dont want that creep coming back"

Baji " thanks"

Car ride

Baji " so ayumu is my son wow"

Takemichi " yes he is and just like you he has the hobby of picking fights over and over"

Baji " you dont so"

Takemichi " you think im lying you should of seen him when he was younger I was always getting calls from the school about him fighting"

Baji " did he win or lose"

Takemichi " he won he is your son baji"

Baji " look we know you have heard this many times but if we could turn back time we would and start over again"

Takemichi " I know but can we ever be the same again"

Baji " maybe we can here listen I know you might hate this idea but we want you and the kids to come live with us ... it not safe for you now in the city there have been many reports of omega being attacked or killed"

Takemichi " I know hina said we can come stay with her at her house for while"

Baji " hina a nice girl and all but come stay with us we can keep you safe and all"

Takemichi " I will speak to the boys about it baji"

Baji " thank you" baji had dropped off Takemichi at her family home and help your unload the groceries.

Ayumu " hey mom are you home ... why are you here"

Baji " hey there kiddo hey can we have a talk father to son"

Ayumu " I rather not"

Baji " please just give a chance"

Ayumu " mom"

Takemichi " give him a chance you can talk in the living room if that fine"

Ayumu " fine we can talk come along"

With baji and ayumu

Ayumu " so what do you want"

Baji " I just want to have an relationship with you and your mother I miss her and I want to start over"

Ayumu " you know what I have been told that my brothers have been this same speech from their fathers as well, it makes me sick that you all think you can come back here and start over"

Baji " yes the others have told me yours brother have approved of us trying to start a relationship with your mother"

Ayumu " I have this sickly feeling that my mom still loves you all I don't know if it because you gave her sons or the past"

Baji " well maybe if I start over with her we can find out"

Ayumu " well I'm calling it bullshit"

Baji " why do you say that"

Ayumu " I have a feeling you are all doing this because you can't bare seeing my mom with someone new, and if that happens we have a new dad and if she has a new kid you all will be old news for good"

Baji " why you little piece of shit you are a pain in ..."

Ayumu " like father like son dear old men I'm the copy of you, but I'm the better copy because I will learn from your mistakes so please get our if my moms house now"

Baji " this not over sr will finish is conventions"

Ayumu " when in the time now or when you are on your death bed, and I take over your legacy's and make it better" baji soon got up and walked away he passed Takemichi who soon walked into the living room and saw her son.

Ayumu " wow mom he dose have short temper I will love pushing his buttons"

Takemichi " oh dear" Takemichi didn't know if she should fear her own son and his behavior or praise him.

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