If they had stayed

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Takemichi had found out she was pregnant at a very young age and she just had told her mates who were her boyfriends at the time they news, they were all still in high-school and almost done. Right now their lives were going to changed majorly the guys were saying nothing and just keeping quite she knew this was bad news.

Mikey " well I always wanted to be father but I didn't think it will be this early"

Takemichi " mikey"

Draken " so we are going to fathers right"

Takemichi " yes"

Mituysa " why didn't you tell us sooner"

Takemichi " I was sacred of tell you all the truth I thought you were going to regret the idea and leave me"

Baji " we wont leave you we promised"

Chifuyu " we can find out how to deal with this we are your mates" that day since a new chapter of their lives started Takemichi was able to get school done from omega school. Months after she had gotten done from school the boys were born and it made the family bigger, the guys enjoyed having sons and it made them happy.

Draken " hey we got here as soon as we could why did the school call"

Takemichi " I dont know why they said they wanted to meet with us to have a conversation about something"

Mikey " okay" Takemichi and the guys walked to the headmaster office when they walked inside the saw the boys sitting there bruised and dirty.

Takemici " what happened to you boys"

Diauke " a fight"

Takemichi " what fight"

Hartuo " we had gotten into a fight with some kids"

Mikey " about what"

Headmaster " that why I called you here"

Takemichi " wait where nakkio"

Headmaster " that why we are here" soon the kids were demised into another office, the headmaster was trying to find his words of the matter.

Chifuyu " where my son"

Headmaster " he in the nurse office getting some medical aid you see there was incident with some out control alphas, they were bullying nakkio after find out he an omega and they were not like him saying no to him ... nakkio older brother soon got involved and started fighting the boys bulling their brother"

Mitsuya " wait so our kids are in trouble for saving their baby brother"

Headmaster  " no they are not but there have been reports of other omega children getting bullied here..."

Takemichi " what are you trying to tell us"

Headmaster " my wife has open our sister school for omega and I think it will be the best fit for nakkio, he a smart boy but keeping him here it not good for his safety, you kids are good parents and I know you will make the right decisions and the alpha boys have been suspended and rewirrteen up for their actions"

Takemichi " thank you" the headmaster had given the Takemichic the information on the new omega school, Chifuyu had went to nurse office and picked up nakkio soon everyone went home together.

Later that night

Takemichi " I think it for the best to send nakkio to this omega school I know he loves being with his brothers, but it getting out of hand"

Chifuyu " I agree and the school will be have events with main school, so he will still see his brothers"

Mikey " I want to go over to those kids house and speak to their parents how dare they raise their kids like this"

Takemichi " mikey it okay now and I had talked to nacho about going to this school and he liked the idea"

Draken " they why you guys were laughing in his room"

Takemichi " well yeah and he did tell me he was going to miss his brother and his friends ...."

Chifuyu " what little friends"

Takemichi " I don't know their names but he did mention some little alpha they had become his best friends, outside of his brother and he made them so sweets" Takemichi soon got up from her seat and walked away from chifuyu who was trying to understand the whole matter.

Chifuyu " no over my dead body are some Alphas taking my sweet nakkio away"

Takemichi " oh Chifuyu he said they are his friends they might just be like that"

Draken " we were just friends with your unit we found out we were your mates"

Takemichi " then it can be his love story"

The guys " no"

Draken " diasake get down here"

Daisuke " yes dad"

Draken " who this alphas friends of your brothers"

Daisuke " oh them we haven't meet them yet and we cant fight them because we made a pinkie promise to nakkio"

Baji " that sounds like your mother"

Takemichi " dont hate me for helping my only omega child, keep friends from his scary alphas fathers"

Chifuyu " hey I just want to talk to these young alphas and see of their feelings towards my son"

Takemichi " the plate you are about to break will say something else" chifuyu soon put the plate down and soon walked away making Takemichci laugh, and was enjoying her life with her husband and sons and she wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.

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