Sick kids

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There were times when the boys had gotten sick when they were younger and it will started from daycare, or one of their little friends. It will start with one of the boys and soon get to the rest of the brothers as well, they were always close to each other and that was now they will get sick so fast. They will fight their mother when they were sick, acting like they were well and wanted to go have fun with their friends, they were so like their fathers when it came to that.

Takemichi " yeah no school this week you all have the flu"

Nakio " no mom we feel fine"

Takemichi " sorry honey but no you guys had been throwing up all night, and are having a hard time keep food down"

Ayumu " we can stick it out"

Takemichi " yeah no the flu is something serious"

Hartuo " what about school"

Takemichi " oh yes the school called it has been canceled for this week and maybe next week, it seems like there was outbreak of flu"

The boys " aww".

Takemichi " don't be sad the school trip will still happen my loves"

Masura " yes mom"

Takemichi " hey you all get to watch cartoon today while resting" the boys seemed happy to be able to get time to watch cartoon all day.

Daisuke " hey mom do you have anymore the medicine the pharmacy has given you"

Takemichi" yes here a pill"

Nakio " wow those he get a full pill and not us"

Takemichi " your brother is bigger then you all in height and weight, he will need more then you you guys"

Daisuke " yeah shortie"

Nakio " don't act like you are all that because you are taller then us"

Diasuke " don't have shot temper"

Nakio " mom"

Takemichi " diasuke stop bullying your siblings for being shorten then you"

Daisuke " I have the higher ground with them with this"

Takemichi " Daisuke"

Daiuske " yes ma'am"

Nakio " I came for some cracker or bread I'm just hungry and need something to eat"

Takemichi " sure go ahead" soon the two boys had walked away leaving Takemichi alone, as she made some soup of everyone.

Takemichi " I swear when diasuke  become older he going to as tall as draken"

???? " who draken" Takemichi soon tuned around and saw ayumu standing there with short smile on his face.

Takemichi " sometime from my past honey is everything okay"

Ayumu " yeah I came for some napkins... so what was your relationship with draken"

Takemichi " we were close but soon broke apart "

Ayumu " oh okay did you the school call you about my so called fake fang teeth"

Takemichi " yes and I told them they are inherited so they are real not fake"

Ayumu " cool who did I get them from"

Takemichi " a family member"

Ayumu " sweet" ayumu soon took his napkins and left the the kitchen Takemichi was trying to get herself ready for when, her sons started asking more questions about their family. They had been given some stuff from their fathers and it was starting to show more and more.

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