Chapter 25

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Takemichi was helping keeping ami return under the down low as she didn't want the twins to find out she was back, in Tokyo and she didn't want to deal with them at the moment. She had a lot to say to them after many years of being away from her sons and hearing how the twins had treated them over the years. She was helping Takemichi and hina with the program they were running, ami was a good fighter and dealt with the betas who came looking for omegas who took off looking for help.

Hina " so ami have you heard word from your ex's yet"

Ami " no I haven't and I rather walk on hot stones then see them again"

Takemichi " how are the boys getting use to your place"

Ami " they love it there and have decided on their own rooms in the house, they seem to be trying to stay away from their fathers more now these days"

Takemichi " there was one time when they were all nice and caring, but those times are gone"

Ami " do you think the other mothers will show up or a relative of theirs"

Takemichi " we have to wait and see, I don't know of their mothers will be coming now or later"

Ami " so it just a whole waiting game right now .... I have a feeling our ex's won't let us go that easily this time"

Takemichi " I'm living with them and that a nightmare already if only that fire never happened, I won't have to see their faces daily"

Hina " still saying you can get a new place and leave"

Takemichi " you see I will do that if I didn't have to worry about them following after me and the kids, I'm already trying to keeping my sons from hurting their father and maybe even putting them in the hospital"

Ami " do you think the boys will ever take the alpha and beta ranks from their fathers"

Hina " look at the kids fathers soon or later those idiots will crack knowing they have been bested by their own kids"

Takemichi " so we are going to roll with the punches I see"

Ami " I do have a plan when I see my ex's again"

Takemichi " what that plan"

Ami " deal with them and act like they were completely nothing to me, the only good thing that came out of my relationship with them was my sons and nothing else"

Takemichi " that a good way to make them mad acting like they are nothing, when they are so called trying to start over"

Hina " you know the other delinquent gang members who are now adults have kids around the same age, as your girls sons right"

Ami and Takemichi " we know"

Hina " how"

Takemichi " there has to be some heir walking around for the black dragons, Valhalla, and all the other gangs we fought when we were young it was going to happen sooner or later"

Hina "oh great now we have more teenage alpha out there who might not have the best of relationship with their father"

Takemichi " yeah whatever those boys are planning it going to be between them and the older generation ... I don't think no one will be safe from the world of hurt that coming"

????" Umm hello I had come here asking for help ... I was told you ladies can help me" the three ladies has turned around to see someone standing there, this newcomer had gotten their full attention. The stranger was holding a letter on their hand a letter Takemichi knew so well.

Somewhere else in Tokyo

Hartuo " so why have you called us here anyways Valhalla scum"

???? " i and my friends here have come to make you all a good offer"

Diauske " what kind of offer we don't do crimes"

??? " we are not like our fathers and you are not like your old man's I'm right"

Ayumu " speak faster boy before I knock them off your face"

???? " hush we came here to make a peace deal between the black dragons and your gang ... you see our fathers have taken away a lot from us our mothers and happiness"

Nakio " oh"

???? " so we came here to help you take down your father and teach them a lesson, rumors going around that nakio had been able to ask those sons of Haitian brothers to help us"

Ayumu " this is true nakio"

Nakio " yes they are my friends and they want answers about their mother as well"

???? " wait I thought there was something else going on between you and them"

Nakio " for everyone information it just a friendship ... it was a one side ... I don't want to talk about it"
Masuma " nope we are good"

Daiuske " then it a deal we are will be working with you Valhalla"

??? " my father will pay for what he had done to my mother if it the last thing I do, we will show new type of alpha by getting rid of the old generation of alphas" all the young alphas and betas has nodded their heads in agreement as the8r father with odd in the city cause trouble for others, they didn't know was that their sons weee going to show them what they are made of and make them answer question they wanted to keep a secret.

???? " I have some information for a few more gangs who will like to join the cause their names are black dragons,Brahman, tenjuki ... they have some issues with their father as well and will like some resolve them in a good matter"

Hartuo " the more the merrier we are doing this for ourselves and for our mothers ... our father will learn this mistakes can not be forgiven easily" mistakes won't be forgiven that easily as everyone had thought when it comes to news, that will be happy and sad when it comes to the boys and their mothers.

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