Chapter 3

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All three ladies were now in takemihic living room with three glass of wine and slice of chocolate cake, takemihc had taken a few sips of wine coming up with some words to say to Emma. Hina didn't know Emma was coming and even she was coming up with, something to say her and Emma had gotten into a fight many years after takemihic had left. Since then either of the girls spoke to each other but a few months ago, Emma showed up at Hina house asking about you and your son.

Hina " why are you even here Emma you stopped being friends with take-chan when she become pregnant"

Takemihci " hina"

Emma " no she right takemihci I should of been there for you but I was not"

Takemichi " so why have you shown yourself now I haven't heard or seen you in many years"

Emma " im sorry takemihci but I will like to meet my nephew and his brothers"

Takemihici " so where mikey and darken I have a feeling they sent you here or did you come here on your own"

Emma " they don't know I'm here I just want to start over"

Takemichi " fine you can see your nephews but I swear if mikey or anyone else shows up, trying to take away my sons there will hell to pay"

Emma " understood" soon the front door came flying open and income running the boys and they were hyped about something, but takemihci couldn't tell what was the matter.

Hartuo " auntie hina"

Hina " hey boys it seems like you all had good day that school"

Daisuke " well you see some chumps were picking a fight with Naoki, and we decided to teach them something about brotherhood"

Takemichi " oh no"

Auyum " come on mom we didn't do anything bad and we get caught"

Takemihic " sure"

Masura " hey mom who is your friend"

Takemichi " boy this is emme she an old friend of mine from my teenage years"

Emma " it great to meet you boys I had gotten you and your mother a welcome home gift" Emma had pulled out some blank black and white jackets and the boys took them, and she had given takemihic an old charm for her charm bracelet she hadn't wore for many years.

Hartuo " thank you"

Takemihic " thanks emma hey boys got do your homework dinner will be ready by 7:00 and clean up a bit"

Daisuke " yes mom" the boys walked away but one of them meaning hartuo gave Emma a glare like he didn't trust this new lady who got Emma scared a bit. Soon the boys were upstairs and out ear shot from their mother and her friends conversation.

Emma " wow he so much like Mikey"

Takemichi " yeah they are all like their fathers"

Emma " please allow me to be in their lives and when the times comes I will tell them how I treated you back then" Emma had left the house three hours later and now takemihc was looking at Hina who was giving her a worried looked.

Hina " you know sooner or later the are going to show up and knowing your sons tempers it don't, going to end well"

Takemihic " I know it going to be chaos when the boys finally meet them"

Hina " well I know you can handle it because you are takemichi, well Im going to head out and take care of yourself and the boys"

Takemichi " sure be safe out there Hina" takemichi watched Hina leave and when she turned around soon she saw a old face she didn't want to see again. He still had the same colored red hair as before but this time it was short and he had tattoos on his arm.

Takemihci " akkum what are you doing here"

Akkum " hey takemichi I came to see you I missed you ....." Before akkum could say anything else takemichi had slapped him hard in the face, making the him almost lose his balance. Soon enough akkum was looking at takemichi and he already knew he was in trouble.

Takemichi " leave me the hell alone takemihci when I need you the most, you left me like I was nothing and now you comeback here acting like we are friends"

Akkum " I'm sorry I and the gang realized we made a major mistake I'm sorry"

Takemichi " your sorry that bull shit akkum you are not sorry and we all know it"

Akkum " please takemichi I'm sorry I want my old friend back please" akkum had placed a hand on takemichi and was trying to pull her into a hug when she pushed his back.

Takemihic " don't you dare touch me akkum"

Akkum " im ....." before akkum could say anything else he kicked hard and you soon looked up to see Daisuke.

Daisuke " hey creep tell me why you have your hards on my mother and it seems like she wants you far away"

Takemihic " Daisuke"

Daisuke " so buddy you have a choice leave now or I dragged your body away from here ... what do you want buddy"

Akkum " I'm leave I'm sorry miss have a good evening" akkum soon got up and walked away, takemichi soon walked into the house with her son.

Takemihci " call your brother for dinner"

Dasiuke " yes ma'am but if he comes back I will deal with him"

Takemihci " I know you will now call your brothers to come eat" soon takemihc place the cooked meals onto the table which was something she was able to make easy with the limit amount of groceries she had but was enough food for the boys. Soon the boys came and sat down that the table wearing some wearing clothes.

The boys " thank you for the food"

Toman headquarters

Random guy " did you hear those middle school students from Mizo had gotten beaten up, badly by some new students"

Random guy 2 " no shit those boys were trained well and much older how could they lose"

Randome guy 3 " because coming from Information those boy were like monster they didn't miss anything, an they call themselves the hanagaki brothers aka the wolf pack"

???? " hey idiots don't be wasting time when you all could be doing your jobs"

Random guys " yes darken sir we are sorry" draken soon started thinking about this gang of brothers and he soon remember the last name hanagaki but it couldn't be his hanagaki right. He soon left the headquarters heading home he needing some more Information before he did anything else. Before draken got home he stopped by takemichi house, and he saw it was busy and lively place and he want so baldy to be there for takemihic and his son.

Draken " we will be together once again my beautiful flower"

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