Chapter 12

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You are in a restaurant with your youngest son nakio because out of all his brothers he was the only one wanting to meet his father at the moment. You had called chifuyu saying his son wanted to meet him and gave a good response now you are waiting for him to show up. Soon enough the man himself walks up to the table and has a sit, nakio soon looked a6 you and smiled .

Chifuyu " Takemichci it great to see you I was happy when you called"

Takemichci " it was because nakio here wanted to meet you and I will be leaving you all to talk, this is conversation between father and son"

Chifuyu " thank you again take-Chan I will drop him off at home I will do my best to make sure, he gets home safe"

Takemichci " sure nakio if anything happens come home straight away"

Takemichci " yes mother" Takemichci soon left the restaurant wondering if she made the right choice.

With nakio and chifuyu

Chifuyu " you mother has done a great job raising you"

Nakio " I have questionsand I need them answered by you"

Chifuyu " well ask away son"

Nakio " first of all old man you are not going to call me son because you didn't put in the work like the mother did ... do you know what she had gone threw being a young single mother"

Chifuyu " no I don't"

Nakio " well, growing up, my mother faced a lot of hardships because you all decided to back down and leave. I heard her get called horrible named by other adults."

Chifuyu " I can't image what Takemichci... I mean your mother had gone threw"

Nakio " because you were not there do you know how it feels to wondering what you father is like ... all my life I throughly you were some hero but now I see you as a deadbeats man"

Chifuyu " please I know it going to take some time but I can learn to e a good father"

Nakio " oh dear chifuyu it take a long time for that and you have failed but I willing to see what you have, you see here buddy I know you and your friends have been hoping to have a relationship with my mom again"

Chifuyu " how do you know that"

Nakio " that for me to know .... I will give you a small chance but if you mess up oh I will make you pay big time ... you see everyone thinks I'm the weakest of my siblings but what I miss in power I make up in brains"

Chifuyu " ....."

Nakio " I'm understood father if you mess up I will make you pay ... you are becoming an old alpha and it might be time for you to retire" chifuyu had been grabbed by his shirt collar by nakio who was now giving him cold glare, oh this man was feeling something was off about his son it was like he was a different type of alpha.

Chfiuyu " understood"

Nakio " good bye for now" nakio soon placed some crash onto the table and soon walked away from the table, chifuyu was stilled scared of his own son now much can a child scare their own father and make them feel like nothing.

Nakio " if you use her like last time you will no longer be living you and the others, because I and my brothers will hurt anyone who make our mother cry"

At the hangaki household

Takemichci " hey sweetie how was the meeting with chfiuyu"

Nakio " it was okay mother I think I got my message to him straight across"

Takemichci " that wonderful sweetie"

Nakio " hey I'm going to do some homework"

Takemichci " okay dinner will be at six tonight"

Nakio " thanks mom"

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