Chapter 8

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Takemichic is enjoying some peaceful time at home while she tries to wrap her head around her exes, see her children. She knew this day would come but she didn't mentally prepared for what was happening, she was kinda of wishing she allowed Daisuke to fight his father but that would lead to a criminal case against her son so she didn't want that to happen.

Hartuo " hey mom is everything okay you seem to be looking down"

Takemichic " oh yes sweetie I'm fine"

Masura " hey mom we are getting to a close break at school and we were wondering maybe if we can go on a vacation, and get away"

Takemichic " umm sweetie I don't think I will be able to come there are some financial that your grandparents and great grandmother have left, behind that I need to deal with"

Naoki " aww  hey will it be fine if we go with our friends to this inn that close to the beach"

Takemichic " I don't know leaving you boys alone on a trip ....."

Ayumu " please we will be good"

Takemichi " that going to be hard for me to believe ... but hey let me check my appointments and maybe I can come as the adult campion"

Daisuke " sure but do we really need you watching us and our friends"

Takemichi " if you boys were in my place would you all trust you guys alone on a trip, with all of you and your friends being alphas and betas"

Hartuo " fine you are right there ... hey we are going to play some soccer with our friends we will be back soon"

Takemichi " sure see you boys later" Takemichi isdoing some deep cleaning in the bakery when she hears someone enter, the room and she soon looks up and see another old face she never seen before.

Takemichi " so when did you get out of jail Kazotura"

Kazotura " hey take-chan long time no see you have a beautiful family .... Im sorry for your lost as well"

Takemichi " oh thanks I think I'm getting visit by everyone from my childhood so far"

Kazotura " so I have been told the guys have been come by and trying to play mates of the year and dad of the year"

Takemichi " coming from someone who sounds like he a father .... So are you a dad as well Kazotura or no"

Kazotura " you could say that I'm not the best of fathers"

Takemichi " that something you and the guys can bond over"

Kazotura " ummm"

Takemichic " Kazotura as I like seeing old friends I have to cut this meeting short I have an important meeting to attend"

Kazotura " yes goodbye Takemichic I hope to see you around" Kazotura soon leave the shop and Takemichic had gone to a meeting with a banker, who was holding the money her parents and grandmother had left her. The meeting went well and she found our her sons have a account that they will be able to use when they become 18, but for now their mother had full control over their accounts.

Takemichic " what I'm going to do everyone from my past keeps on deciding to come see me and acting like we are friends"

Hours later

Hartuo " so mom are you able to come on the trip."

Daisuke " yeah, mom, you deserve a nice trip."

Takemichci " aww, you boys are so sweet, and yes, I'm able to come on the trip. I was able to settle the things I need to get done."

The boys are " cool."

Takemichci " I was able to find inn that close to the beach and would allow kids to stay"

Daisuke " cool and our friends father allowed them to come"

Takemichci " sweet"

Hartuo " so will aunt hina be able to come"

Takemichci " no she can't some news case come up for her that she ends to need to deal with"

Nakio " it okay we are still happy you are able to come"

Takemichci " tell your friends we will be leaving this Monday due to your guys break being two weeks, and if their parents are okay with their kids being good for a whole week"

Daisuke " okay we will tell them now and start packing later"

Takemichci " okay"

Somewhere in Tokyo

Pah " so our sons are going in some trip with our guys sons and Takemichci"

Draken " where are they going"

Peh " some beach resort"

Mituysa " so say if we showed up there we might be able to have some time with take-Chan and restart our relationship with her"

Smiley " so are all are going to stalker her good job that will win her over and set an example for your sons"

Baji " oh shut up smiley" the guys had decided to follow Takemichci and the kids on the trip hoping to restart the relationship, but it seemed like the idea might not fully work.

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