Terrible twos

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The terrible twos were something you were told of that alphas and betas children expected, when they become more crazy then before. The terrible twos didn't happen to omegas due to omega being born of lower rank and having a caring nature. Takemichci was dealing with the terrible twos times fives because soon enough all her sons started acting out, and would start destroying things or making a mess.

Takemichci " there is five of them against one of me" Takemichci would ask her family for help but during this time n9 ones was home, the rest of her away was away at family meetings many mikes away.

Auymu " mommy I don't want to take a bath"

Takemichci " you are taking a bath young man if you like it or not"

Nakkio " no bath time for Nakkio"

Takemichci " yes bath time"

Hartuo " ahh"

Takemichci " all of you stop acting like wild animals"

Masuma " no bedtime"

Dasiuke " you can't make us go to bed or take a bath"

Takemichci " I swear I love you guys to death"

Nakkio " ....."

Takemichci " please boys just take you bath and I would let you stay up a bit longer"

The boys " cookies as well"

Takemichci " if that gets you boys in the bathtub and cleaned then yes"Soon the boys and calmed down and finally went to bed, Takemichci had just fallen alseep on what she was wearing she didn't have enough time or power to change.the boys were already two and they were making their mother lose her mind a bit.

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