Chapter 2

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Takemihci " boys breakfast is ready get down her now or it will be cold making you all late for school" takemici heard footsteps moving slowly which made her made, so she drop the frying pan hard in the sink and clear her voice.

Takemichi " now" soon she heard footsteps moving fast and soon enough the boys were all downstairs dress but their hair was still a mess.

Ayumu " you are scary when you are mad"

Takemihc " Im a mother we have to be scary to get out kids to listen"

Takemihic " eat your breakfast and place your dirty dishes into the sink"

Daisuke " yes mom"

Takemichi : I will be in the bakery tell me when you all are leaving" takemihci soon walked away and while she was walking away she placed, she raven colored hair into a ponytail after leaving high school she stoped dying her hair blonde and she had finish her schooling at her grandmother house and graduated.

Takemichi " today the start of brand new day" takemichi knew how to bake and she made some brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and some small cakes. She knew of the piece of the each food and was easy to start selling them.

Hartuo " hey mom we are leaving for school"

Takemihci " okay behave yourselves and don't cause any trouble please"

Masura " we won't" soon the boys had left the house leaving takemichi alone, and soon enough she had opened shop, but it didn't take that long for someone to come walking inside.

Takemihic " hello and welcome to hangaki bakery how may I help you" the day was going well for takemihic but she was being watched closely from someone far away. The person who was watched her was taking pictures and writing notes of everything that was happening.

With the boys

Nakio " hey do you think mother would ever you know get married" the boys are walking to school when they passed a few older couples, yes they knew of their mother being in a relationship in the past but they didn't know much of the stranger or strangers she was in a relationship with her.

Hartuo " why would mom want to date again there is no one out there perfect for her"

Daisuke " yeah and coming from grandfather stories her exes are pieces of shit"

Ayumu " I do want her to be happy but I don't want her to be with someone that going to turn her against us"

Masura " what do you mean"

Ayumu " don't act like you guys don't know most strangers thought mom made a bad choice of keeping us, and she gives us that look every time we came home beaten up like we remind her of someone" the boys stoped walking they didn't know their fathers, but they already hated them for breaking their mother heart and abandoning her like she was nothing.

Hartuo " you know what they are not important and if we ever see them we can take them down a Pegg or two"

Daisuke " cool we are here Mizo middle school'

Hartuo " well brothers let show this school what the hangaki brothers are made of"

The others " deal" the boys all soon walked into the school getting everyone attention due to the way boys looked and how much fear they put in people with just one look.

Back to Takemichci

Takemichci " umm what to do next"

Hina " hey Takemichci" Takemichci ran over to her best friend and aunt to her boys, the two girl hugged each other.

Hina " so where are my dear nephews"

Takemichi " that I old middle school which they will be attending and maybe causing trouble"

Hina " well I brought a god bottle of wine maybe we can have some and talk .... There something we need to speak about"

Takemichci " this is about them"

Hina " yes and I thinking drink would be better way to handle the news I have for you"

Takemichci " okay come I'm I was going to close shop early"

???? " may I join as well" Takemichci soon looked up and saw Emma standing there she was also holding a big bag, carrying some items.

Takemichci " hey Emma it been while"

Emma " yes it has"

Takemichci " please come i think I will be good if we talked all together"

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