Chapter 18

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Nakio was starting his First day at his new school and Takemichi made sure he had everything he needed, she knew it had to be sooner or later to inform chifuyu of this new update when it comes to his son. Takemichi had called chifuyu and told him to come over so they could talk about nakio, so right away nakio had shown from school at the same time as his father was stopping by for the conversation.

Chifuyu " why are you not that school son"

Nakio " I had gotten out at different time from everyone else"

Chifuyu " what do you mean"

Takemichi " we have something to tell you about nakio he was sick yesterday and we rushed him to the hospital, where we found out something interesting about him"

Chifuyu " is everything okay"

Nakio " the doctor had found out I'm an omega like my mom"

Chifiyu " that wonderful news"

Nakio " I thought you will be disappointed in the new"

Chifuyu " I accept you no matter what you are still my son"

Takemichi " he also has the tedious of an alpha as well "

Chifuyu " that amazing sons it makes me more proud of you"

Nakio " thank you I have homework to do"

Takemichi " okay honey" soon nacho stand up and left the living room soon Takemichi and chifiyu were left in the living room.

Chifuyu " so my son an omega and some some tedious of an alpha but he mostly omega"

Takemichi " yes"

Chifuyu " that great but I worry even more for you and his safety"

Takemichi " chifiyu we will be okay and moving the guys somewhere else will make everything complicated"

Chifuyu " we will speak more about this later with the others, it will be better for you guys to come live with us before something bad happens"

Takemichi " fine here a deal if something bad happens then we will come live with you guys for safety, but it will be for the benefits of the kids wellbeing understood"

Chifiyu " I understand have a good day"

Takemichi " have a good day as well" Takemichi had a feeling her ex mate might be right when the boys had gotten home she had shared the new with them, soon everyone had dinner and went to bed. When Takemichi left something was off she soon woke up to smoke and the fire alarms going off she soon heard knocking at her door, soon her door opened to see her sons standing there.

Hartuo " mom there a fire in the bakery and the smoke spending to the house"

Takemichi " we need to get out now" they all had ran out of the house where other people were waiting and watching someone lucky enough had called the fire department, they were able to save the some of the house but not the bakery.

Masura " mom I found the picture of Grandma and Grandpa"

Takemichi " thank you sweetie"

Ayumu " mom we are sorry"

Takemichi " hey I'm happy you are all well" soon a limo had pulled up and out came out the guys they looked worried, and ran over to Takemichi and the kids.

Mikey " is everyone alright"

Diasuke " expect mom last connection to our grandparents so far we are good"

Draken " good you are all coming to live with us"

Nakio " mom"

Takemichi " we will be staying with your father until we hear about news about the house"

The boys " yes mom" everyone had gotten into the limo and head off to the mansion hina had called Takemichi worried sick and she had updated her where they were, she didn't like the idea at frost but they had no where else to go.

Baji " we can redecorate your boys room later on after you all settled in and the non-burned future and items will be sent here once they are safe"

Ayumu " thank you" the boys had their bag filled with some of their personal stuff and Takemichi was sitting in her own room thinking about how she lost the her parents legacy's.

Draken " hey can I come in"

Takemichi " sure"

Draken " hey we were doing some research and we can get your family shop rebuild but we think it will be the best for you and the boys to come live here at times"

Takemichi " umm thank you"

Draken " hey maybe we can bond with the kids even more then before"

Takemichi " yeah"

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