Chapter 11

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Well Takemichci was having a conversation she never knew she was going to have until. The trip had ended after a couple more days while, Takemichci practice on what she was going to say to her kids. She was now at home with them sharing the news of what had happened in her past. Her sons were feeling mixed emotions about the whole things how dare their fathers leave their mother alone, and she is waiting for kids to say something.

Takemichci " boys say something please"

Nakto " how dare they treat you like nothing and soon come around acting like nothing happened"

Diasuke " mom do you ever reject having us because if you didn't, you could of have a normal life"

Takemichci " no I don't regret having you boys having you boys, made my life interesting and I wouldn't changed that for a thing"

Hartuo " are we going to meet the rest of dads"

Takemichci " if you boys want to I'm not going to push you into doing something you, boys don't want to do"

Amuyu " oh we want to meet them so we can give them a piece of our mind, and it not fair that diasuke got to punch his dad and we haven't"

Takemichci " oh okay but please don't get into a fight with them already, I will give them a call some time this week and see if we can meet u0 with them"

Masuma " thank you mom .... Do you still love them mom"

Takemichci " sweetie I have difficult feelings towards your fathers, that I have to deal with and what I had with them in the past might not happen again"

Hartuo " understood mother we are going to bed .... Goodnight"

Takemichci " good night my loves" the boys had gone to their bedrooms, leaving Takemichci alone to her thoughts. Takemichic soon poured herself a cup of tea and started drinking it.

Takemichi " I cant decided what will make my sons happy and not destroy them mentally but hey look where I'm now"

Nakto " hey mom"

Takemichi " hey sweetie why are you not in bed"

Nakto " well I cant sleep knowing you are feeling horrible"

Takemichi " oh honey I'm good just doing some personal thinking" nakto soon sat down and looked at his mother.

Nakto " mom I was wondering if I could meet my dad there are some questions I need from him, and I need to know if im truly an alpha"

Takemichi " what do you mean honey"

Nakto " all my life I have been feeling like im not an alpha like my brothers"

Takemichi " nakto height and strength dose not make an alpha his character make him the alpha and you are an alpha because, you are always looking out for others around you ever since you were little" nakto soon smiled at his mother and Takemichic soon hugged her son, a few seconds later nakto ran off to bed.

Takemichci " now I want to go to bed" Takemichci soon head off to bed she was going to deal with everything in the morning, she didn't have time or power to be dealing with her ex's.

Somewhere else in Tokyo

Draken " man that Kid knows how to throw a good punch"

Baji " he sure beat your ..."

Draken " hey I have seen and spoken to my kid you haven't baji so shut up okay"

Baji " ....."

Draken " see I told you and now they know we are there fathers and they hate us already"

Chifuyu " maybe we can make peace with them"

Draken " that a very funny story chifuyu but you have to remember they are our sons, and have better personality then us what make your think they are going to forgive us and Takemichci as well" The guys just sat there quiet and didn't say anything, while draken was holding a ice pack to his face.

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