The boy frist fight (the guys)

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Takemichi was working a shift at the bakery when her husbands had stoped by some their lunch break, because they wanted a free meal and her cooking. She had mixed emotions about them doing this and some times scaring away her customers but she learn to deal with it.

Chifuyu " so the boys got off to school well"

Takemichi " yeah they walked there by themselves they didn't need me to walk them anymore or half way"

Mikey " they are no longer babies honey you can't keep on seeing them like that"

Takemichi " fine if they are growing up maybe they should see their dads buy for their so called free lunch, and eating up half of my bakery"

Baji " that a life lessons for another time we can't keep on teaching them lesson all day"

Takemichi " ....."

Draken " remember you love us and we have kids together"

Takemichi " you are lucky this time buddy" the guys were scared there for a moment thinking you were going to hurt them, and they soon back off really quick. Soon the phone was ringing and Takemichi was busy packing some things away, so Mikey had picked up the phone.

Mikey " hello ... um yes I'm one of the fathers .... What we will be there shortly" Mikey soon came racing back into the bakery getting looks from everyone.

Mikey " we have to go to the kids schools something happened with the boys" everyone had dropped what they were doing and raced to the boys school, where they were taken to the headmaster office and saw the boys had gotten into a fight.

Takemichi " are you boys okay what happened"

Nakio " we are good mom"

Ayumu " everything is fine mom"

Mitusya " explain this why are our sons like this"

Headmaster " a fight had happened between your sons and some older boys, after form rude comments were towards the boys"

Draken " boys is what your headmaster saying true"

Diasuke " yes we heard the older boys making rude comments toward us and kept on bullying other kids"

Masura " we are sorry mom we broke our promise to you"

Takemichi " it okay my dears"

Headmaster " the boys are good but will have to take some days off until, their alpha moods go down"

Takemichi " understood thanks you" soon everyone left the school with the kids and Takemichi was getting ready to say something to the boys.

Takemichi " boys I know you care about other but ..."

Mikey " that was amazing you kids had thought them a lesson, you beat those kids up good"

Draken " I think we should celebrate your boys victory"

Takemichi " wait ..."

Baji " you boys are sons no matter what and one day, you will have your own gang I will be amazing" Takemichi was standing there wondering was happening, the boys soon race off with their sons leaving Takemichi standing there.

Takemichi " today start a new era may luck be on everyone side for their sacks because they will be doomed" Takemichi soon caught up with her sons and husbands, who had gotten into a fight with older punks. She knew she was going to be dealing with a lot as the years go by.

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