Chapter 6

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It was Saturday morning and the doorbell was already ringing takemihci was already dress and ready, even due she had a small hangover from drinking last night. She soon opened the door to see a group of boys around her sons age looking at her, and takemihci was looking that them with shock and wonder because theses boys looked like some old faces she knew, she soon found her words.

Takemichi " hello how may I help you"

???? " you must be the boys mom miss hanagaki right"

Takemichi " yes that me are you friends of my sons or foes"

????? " we are no foes we are there class mates and friends we were hanging out with them this morning we have a ....." Beef the boys with cruel puff hair could say anything Naoki soon came running out and covered the boys mouth.

Naoki " hey mom can we hang out with our friends please"

Takemici " sure"

Diaksue " we will be back before our nine o'clock curfew"

Takemihic " okay be safe all of you and it was nice meeting you boys"

The boys " thank you ma'am" soon the boys left with their friends but something hit you hard four of the boys looked like smiley and angry, while one of them looked like pah and the one to his side looked like peh. The boy in the far back looked like hannaki.

Takemichi " no it cant be ... can it .... Maybe .... Oh here we go but why are their kids attending Mizo middle school and why are their kids friends with my kids .... Well it look like I will be see some more old friends"

Phone conversation

Takemihci " hey hina it me we need to have a talk because you won't believe what I have saw Emma will be joining us"

Hina "  okay"

Takemichi " once you hear this news you won't believe ve the half of it"

Hina " oh this sound Interesting I will be there shortly"

Takemichi " okay"

End of phone conversation

Takemichi " okay let me get this straight most members of toman have kids all of them sons who are either alphas or betas"

Emma " yes that true and no one seems to have a loving relationship with their sons"

Takemichi " oh great now we have a group of middle school boys who have hated towards their fathers for good reasons"

Hina " no of these boys omega mothers are around anymore"

Emma " no either of those fools could keep with their promise and drove their kids mothers away, but it seems like their mother are trying to reach out to them"

Takemichi " that good but thoses kids are forming a gang and gang I think will be going after toman or worst the other gang in Tokyo"

Hina " so what are you going to do about it"

Takemichi " well I'm going to try my best to stop all those boys but their fathers be put in their place"

Emma and hina " cool"

With the boys and their friends

Hartuo " so kawata boys what information were you able to steal from your dads"

Souta " well I and sana couldn't get passed our father and his stupid face"

Sana  " he always smiling about everything and it creepy we cant see why our mother was even into him"

Akio " hey idiots we share the same mothers as you remember"

Akria " yeah your father smiles our is always mad and driving away anyone like he and your dad drove away our mom"

Ayumu " okay we get it all our dads are losers"

Habiki " well you all have to easy my family messed up in many ways from having a uncle in the black dragons, and aunt who worries about to much and won't talk about my father to a father who always seems to have family issues"

Naoki " are we really having a competition on who has it worst"

Ryu" well guys ryota  might have it bad because he dad has been in jail ...."

Ryota " shut up ryu yes my old man is worthless he stabbed a guy and didn't fight fair"

Hartuo " shut up all of you now or else"

Daisuke " I heard of some rumors that they are younger gang running around here in Tokyo that have some issues, with toman and another gang called Valhalla"

Ryu " yes Valhalla is still that war with toman along with the oldest gang of them all the black dragons"

Hartuo " well I say boys we have some trash to take out, and some of those fools messes with my mother and I'm going to find the creep and teach him lesson that my mother is off limits who with me"

The boys " yeah" well it seemed like the mission of taking down old the gangs had started but the boys were not alone, there were some other guys watching them and there was a war going soon and this time the battles will between the older generation and the younger generation.

Back at the hanagaki resident

Masura " hey mom we are home where are you"

Takemichi " in the living room dear I have something to show you boys" the boys soon walked into the room and saw you holding up a long black and white jacket, that had their gang name on it. There was also a symbol of wolf on the back of the jacket as well.

Hartuo " wow those are cool"

Takemichi " well I happy you like them your aunt Emma had brought over some more jackets, like this so I made some for you friends as well"

Naoki " wait you know and you are not mad"

Takemichi " no im not mad but don't pick fights alone remember the wolf is powerful in the pack, and if you need give me a call"

Ayumu " hey mom you were a delinquent like us in the past"

Takemichi " well kids that a story for other time"

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