Chapter 20

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Takemichi had gone upstairs after some time she could hear her son laughing with the four brothers down stairs,mit seemed like he was having a fun time. She had become happy for nakio and she could tell that her son like them more as friends but she was nit going to push any relationship on him if he not ready for one. Just because she support this relationship doesn't mean everyone else supports this relationship in the house.

Takemichi " they are kinda of cute together" Takemichi had gone upstairs into her room and started reading a book she didn't want to, over shadow her son time with friends. She wanted to make him feel better about having friends over and not being seen as untrustworthy mother.

Chifuyu " Takemichi"

Takemichi " what the matter Chifuyu"

Chifuyu " wow are you leaving our son alone with those four alphas boys out of all the other alpha in the world he has, to be with them"

Takemichi " Chifuyu can we talk outside the two of us" Takemichi and Chifuyu had walked outside into the garden and she was looking at him like she was going to slap him hard.

Takemichi " what the matter with you what do you have against those boys you just meet them"

Chifuyu " they are the Haitian brothers sons you remembered them"

Takemichi " yes I remember them and I found out a few minutes ago naoto did some Information seeking for me"

Chifuyu " you are fine with this they are the Haitian brothers sons"

Takemichi " okay Chifuyu are son can have any relationship he wants and if he chose them then deal with it because, if you mess with my baby friendships I will make you pay because I remember I could fight well"

Chifuyu " I'm just worried about him"

Takemichi " it fine to worry about him but you can't over step the line"

Chifuyu " fine but I'm keeping an eye on them"

Takemichi " fine whatever you say chifuyu"

Chifuyu " ......"

Takemichi " what the matter now chifuyu"

Chifuyu " look I know I missed out on everything in his life but I want to make up for everything I have missed even if, it might be to late"

Takemichi " we'll see that as we will be here for while you can have a relationship with your son, but I can't help you force it fuyu you did to have this happen on your own"

Chifuyu " fine i will try but we have to make sure those Haitian boys don't ruin his future I have high hopes for nakio"

Takemichi " I always have had high hopes for him and nakio will surprise you chifuyu"

Chifuyu " okay"

Takemichi " dinner will be ready soon"

Chifuyu " thanks and we hope you can rebuild your parents bakery we are sorry for what happened"

Takemichi " thank again" chifuyu soon walked away leaving the women alone thinking to herself chifuyu hated to seeing her sad, he was filled with quilt as well if he said something that night maybe everything wouldn't be like this. If he had been a better persons maybe he can have the family he always wanted but once again he didn't think before him and the others had acted ruining many lives later on.

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