Chapter 4

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Takemihci was looking at herself in the mirror she had changed so much in the last years, and now she was wondering if she will ever see your exes again. Juts because she saw Emma and akkum last night didn't mean everyone from her past, was going to come back into her life.

Takemihci " umm I'm being a good mother or no" soon the door bell rang and takemich ran to answer it, she soon opened the door to delivery company.

Delivery company " sorry for the long wait ma'am but here are the five motorcycles you asked us ti ship her from, the old residents"

Takemihci " thank you please place them in the open garage"

Delivery company " yes ma'am" the motorcycles were soon placed away and the delivery company soon left, she still can't believe she allowed her sons to get motorcycles. They still payed for them with their own money and made sure to stay safe when they were out ridding.

Takemihic " well back to work for me" takemihci soon walked back into the bakery and went back to working, she was going to make a life for her sons and hoping to send them to a good high school and college.

At Mizo middle school

Hartuo " if I ever hear you speak poorly about my mother again I will kill you got it buddy"

Delinquent " I'm sorry I didn't mean"

Hartuo " I don't think you are sorry enough" hart soon kicked the boy hard in the heading doing the some kick as his father, knocking the high school delinquent onto the ground.

Delinquent " how could you do that move only the invisible Mikey can do that"

Hartuo " maybe it time for the invisible to meet his match or finally got into retirement" hartuo soon walked away he knew his shirt was dirty and his mother was going to be mad. She hated it when the him and his brothers got their clothes dirty and ruined mostly when they costed alot of money.

Auyum " you are in trouble when mom see you this messed up"

Hartuo " shut up or I tell the mom that time you were racing your bike and doing dangerous moves .... So which one of us will break her heart the most me or you"

Auyum " fine you win buddy now come on remember we are planning, on what we are going to get mother for her birthday which is next month"

Hartuo " coming and hey did you and the others find the boys we have heard about and asked them to join us"

Auyum " yes I did and all agreed to join us so it look like we might have our gang"

Hartuo " good"

Back to Takemichci

Takemichi " what are these" takemichi had left the bakery for a few minutes because she had gotten a called order, she soon came back to the front and saw a boutique of flower there and she knew who could of sent them.

Takemichi " no" the flowers had come with a card attached and soon enough takemichi had read the card, and soon saw some names she never wanted to see. It was from her exes and she soon left the flowers on the counter while, she was thinking about tossing them away or keeping them. She grabbed the card and was reading it over and over again she thought she was going to have some peace but she was wrong.

The card

Our dear beautiful takemichi we are sorry about the past and we want to start over, and have the life we also talked about when we were younger please give us a chance to be there for you and the boys. If you can please give us a call so we can talk about what we can do as a family.


Mikey, draken, and Mituysa, Baji, chifuyu

Takemichi " no I cant allow the boys to see this card because it will get them mad" before takemichi could toss away the card, the boys came running into the bakery.

Daisuke " hey mom"

Takemichi " hey sweeties"

Masuma " hey mom what with the flowers" soon all the boys were looking at the bouquet of flowers it was a rare things for them to see their mother get flowers, and flowers from someone they didn't know maybe she had a secret love that she hadn't told them.

Takemichi " it nothing sweetie it a gift that I'm getting rid of"

Auyum " oh okay"

Hartuo " hey mom who are draken, mikey, and Mituysa, Baji , chifuyu" takemichi soon grab the note from her sons hand which was covered in flour hiding the words written.

Takemichi " they are jerks that I rather never see or hear from again"

Naoki " oh okay"

Takemihc " hey boys your bikes are in the garage if you want to ...." The boys soon took off running leaving takemichi alone as she laughed at their reaction. She soon walked outside and tossed the flowers into the trash can fast and without noticing two pair of eyes were watching her, and they felt hurt that she tossed away their flowers.

Baji " I thought that least she will keep them for a few more days"

Chifuyu " she really dose hate us" the two guys soon took off when takemihci turned around looking in their direction, soon takemichi had walked back into the house and went on with her life.

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