Chapter 1

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Takemichi's parents had died in a car crash she still remembers when she got the call, it had been three weeks since the funeral, and she moved back into her old family home. She was the only one left in her family her grandmother and parents had left her enough money and others things. She still kept her grandmother's house and a vacation home, and her sons were happy about seeing their mother's childhood home, but they were upset about losing their grandparents.

Takemihci " boys, we are here. I'm going to check out your grandmother's bakery. Can you boys get your things into the house with anything else"

Daisuke " yes, mom."

Haruto " do you need help in the shop."

Takemihci " no, I will be okay on my own I will call you boys if I need help go pick out your guy room from the ones that are empty."

Ayumu " who every get there first get the best room" the boys soon took off running, leaving Takemichci near the boxes, filled with all their belongings. The moving van had left and movers had moved everything into the house with the help of the boy and takemichi. Her sons did have some similar features of their father like hair color, eye color and height. Daisuke is the tallest of all his siblings which him and the other fight about on delay basis but takhmihci soon got use to the fighting of her children. The boys were like their fathers because they either fought over who was the oldest, the tallest, and food but mostly food.

takemihci " I'm home mom and dad sorry I took so long to come back but this time I'm staying for good and I'm no longer running away" Soon takemichi did some cleaning of the bakery that had been collect dust for the last  weeks since it was closed after her mother and father funeral.

Takemichi " wow it look brand new" it had taken her three hours to get the place clean and ready to reopen in a few days.

Masaru " hey mom do you need any help in her everything is unpacked"

Takemichi " no sweetie I'm good"

Naoki " we also placed grandmother and grandfather pictures at the family shrine with great grandmother"

Takemichi " good did you boys try on your school uniform yet or no"

Masaru " yes but why do we have to go to Mizo middle school they don't even have a history of great delinquents like the other schools"

Takemichi " I will never understand what with you boys and becoming delinquents"

Hartuo " didn't you use to know of some delinquent gangs mom we saw you old childhood photos"

Takemichi " well that something of the past I will love to forget but yes"

Hartuo " well we are going to make our own gang and reform the era of delinquents" takemihci looked that hartuo yes he was his father son but she knew, her sons had the same fighting skills as their father and they might be a little better then them.

Takemihci " sure you boys will but now off to bed you guys start you first day of school"

The boys " yes ma'am" the boys had head off to bed but takemichi didn't got to bed she was still up, she knew she had to keep her sons way from toman and any of the other gangs. She didn't want her sons to follow in their father foot steps but mostly she didn't want her ex mates to take away her sons and make them the heirs to the toman dynasty. She really thought her kids were lying about become delinquent but what she didn't know was that they were dead set of making their own gang and getting into fights.

Somehere in Tokyo

???? " hey akkum didn't you have a beautiful female friend named ... what was her name again"

Akkum " takemichi hanagaki why do you ask"

??? " well funny things here I thought I saw her that the bakery you were kicked out of, and she not alone she has five younger boys with her they seem to be middle school age"

Akkum " are you sure you saw here right"

??? " yeah wait she was the bosses...."

Akkum " she is the bosses mate and they have been looking for her and so has many others.... I'm going to pay my dear old friend a visit but first telling them she is back" akkum looks at the penthouse at high up with the lights on, he knew he had to be the one to share the news. He soon took the last smoke of his cigarette and soon put it out and, soon walked into the building he knew it was going to be hard to make amends with his old friend, knowing her so well of holding grudges against people who have done her wrong.

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