Mother day special (2)

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Takemichi was living a great life with her husbands and sons she couldn't ask for anything else, she was taking care of her parents when her husbands were home with her kids. The guys had come up with a perfect mother day gift for their wife and mate they need to get to the place, which was family photo studio they were going to take a family picture with their sons and give them to her.

Mikey " Takemichi wont be home until eight tonight so we have enough time to take these pictures"

Draken " due you think she will love the matching outfits or no"

Mituysa " she going to love it"

Chifuyu " okay boys you know the plan right"

Baji " Chifuyu they are toddlers they don't say that much ... well you know words that we can understand"

Chifuyu " hey we are doing this for her remember and hey she talks to them, she did said it will help them"

Baji " stop tryin to win husband points"

Draken " enough okay we promised her one nice pictures"

Photographer " next group please"

Mikey " that us" the guys had taken and few pictures with their sons and had brought a perfect frames.

Mother day

Takemichi " aww you guys are wonderful"

Mikey " anything for our wife and mother of our kids"

Draken " now open these"

Takemichic " umm sure you guys know you didn't have to do this im fine with what I have"

Baji " we know but we wanted to show you how much we love you" Takemichi soon had unwrapped the gifts and soon saw a beautiful family picture and looked at her husbands.

Takemichi " aww this is so cute the matching outfits and everything"

Chifuyu " a perfect picture"

Takemichi " yeah it perfect wait there are more ... baji"

Baji " what"

Takemichi " why are you dangling ayumu by his feet, and mikey why are you death glare Haruto"

Mikey and baji " they started it"

Takemichi " they are babies"

Baji " they were challenging us"

Takemichi " you know what I will be keeping this pictures I love them they are perfect no matter what"

Mituysa " everything will get better as the years go on"

Takemichi " I have faith in you"

Many years later

Daiukse " mom why do you still have these pictures"

Takemichi " it because I love them"

Masura " mom Ayumu is fighting his dad and harto is in death stare match with his dad, there only three groups of fathers and sons acting normal"

Takemichi " I know"

Nakio " the picture better now"

Takemichi " yeah what there a second one ... why are you and your father beaten up and what with the people in the background"

Draken " funny story they are making to much noise and being a horrible so we taught them a lesson"

Takemichi " I still love it"

Sorry for this being a day late I was going to publish this last night but I had forgotten, so here a late mother day special.

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