Chapter 24

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Takemichci and aimi were waiting at the park she had texted her sons telling them to bring their friends. Mostly genji, Tadashi,boten, and daichi. Aimi looked nervous to see her sons after all these years since the last time, she saw them when they were so young. She had kissed out in so much of their lives and was now coming back to rebuild a relationship with them.

Takemichi " don't worry they will be happy to see you"

Aimi " I hope so but I'm more worried about their fathers finding out im here"

Takemichi " you don't have to worry everything will be okay and I will deal with the twins"

Aimi " thank you"

Hartuo " hey mom sorry we are late"

Takemichci " it okay boys"

Genji " is everything fine"

Takemichi " yes boys everything is fine there someone I want you guys to meet, she a dear friend of mines"

Tadashi " who"

Takemichi " boys I will love you to meet aimi your guys mother"

Aimi " hello boys" daichi had ran to his mother first her he didn't know if this was a dream or not, was his mother really here.

Boten " are you really here"

Aimi " yes I'm"

Tadashi " are you here to stay or visit"

Aimi " I'm here to stay I think we need to talk there are some stuff I need to tell you boys"

Takemichi " come on boys let leave them to talk" The rest of the kids followed after Takemichi as they were watching from far away. The boys were happy for their friends but jealous that the same time they also wants to see their mothers as well.

Nakio " they look happy"

Takemichi " yes they do"

Hartuo " where did you meet her mom"

Takemichi " well she found me and we went to lunch together, and she wants to see her sons"

Ayumu " what are we going to do with the twins fathers"

Takemichi " I will deal with smiley and angry myself it time they got some sense, smack into them for good"

Dasiuke " we will help you mom"

Takemichi " thank you boys"

Hiroto " do you think our mothers will come as well or no"

Takemichi " hiroto I don't know dear but I have a feeling you will see them soon or later it will take time"

Kenji " but why dose it feel like we might never see them, don't get me wrong I'm happy for the twins but I want to have my mother back as well"

Takemichi " she will be back soon you have to wait, and you will see her again"

Kaito " yes ma'am" soon aimi came back with the boys and they all looked happy, to be a family again.

Aimi " you boys can come to my house and spend time with me, but don't tell your fathers"

Tadashi " we won't mother but what if they know you are here"

Aimi " don't worry about them I have enough information on them to keep them away for good, or until I forgive them"

Genji " we are happy you are here mom"

Aimi " I'm happy to have you boys back as well I sorry I left like that"

Boten " we understand mom and we will keep you safe from dads as well"

Aimi " you boys will become good alphas one day all of you" everyone had went to their houses the twins were happy, to finally spend time with their mother and have dinner with her.

Masura " oh look they are not home"

Daisuke " good so mom do you know what aimi meant by the information she has on the boys fathers"

Takemichi " we will talk about that another time I'm going to make dinner" the boys looked at their mother as she walked away, they had many questions about everything. It seemed like they either had to respect their mother aimi choices or do their own investigation about the matter.

Ayumu " I say we might have to call in the others to see what our deer mother is talking about"

Nakio " yes it seems like there are some hidden secrets that our mother and aimi are keeping from us"

Daisuke " for now we will have to wait to see what happens next, and I think our mother might know some other dark secrets we can use against our dear fathers"

Masuma " this is going to be fun" there were more dark secrets that toman had thought they had kept hidden away from their exes, but they were dead wrong their exes knew everything and were going to keep everything hidden until they were ready to share the news.

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