The boys frist fight

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Takemichi still remember the day when she gotten her first call of the boys fighting, she has rush to their elementary school and walked into the office to see the headmaster waiting there for her. She was soon told the story of what had happened, the boys were standing up for naoto after an older kids bullied him. Takemichi looked at her boys and soon looked at the bullies, the older kids looked worst then the boys.

Bully mother " oh look it the single mother it all her fault if she was married, she would of raised her sons better"

Headmaster " ma'am I won't allow you to speak to the young lady like this, it was your guys sons who have been bullies"

Bully mother 2 " our kids are innocent she should be to blame being so young and mother, she can't take care of her kids right"

Headmaster " enough I won't allow you all to keep harassing this young lady, boys would you tell us more about this fight"

Nakio " yes sir I had gotten mad at the older boys because they were making rude comments about my mother, and I told them to leave her alone"

Headmaster " boys is what nakio saying true"

Bully 1 " more and less"

Headmaster " it a yes or no question young man answer me now"

Bully 2 " yes we were making fun of their mother because she had it coming, that what our mothers say and we were teaching the boys a lesson"

Headmaster " well I have made my final decision all of you older boys have broken enough rules here, that the school broad has decided to change your school for somewhere else ... your father have already agreed on the matter and your mother are kicked off the pta bored as well for their behavior" the bullies and their mother had become shocked but before they would fight, anyone they were taken away by the police.

Headmaster " boys you are suspend for a few days for using school supplies to beat up the older boys, it just for a few days and then you can come back"

Takemichi " thank you sir I will speak to them when we get home"

Headmaster " you are doing a good job with them young lady they will become great alphas when they are older, I cam see it"

Takemichi " thank you sir come on boys we are heading home" the boys had followed after their mother they were waiting for her to scold them on their bad behavior, they had always been raised to be good and not causing trouble for their mother.

Takemichi " I'm proud of you boys thank you for standing up for you brother and me"

Ayumu " so we are not in the much trouble"

Takemichi " no you are not but you will be doing your work when you are away from school, I won't have you fall behind"

Daisuke " yes mom"

Takemichi " now come on I'm buying you guys a treat for showing how proud I'm of you boys"

The boys " yeah" the boys and ran ahead of their mother laughing and talking as Takemichi stood their proud of her boys.

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