Other characters

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Hello everyone I had introduced for new characters into the book so I have decided to give everyone, some more information about these new characters. So if anyone has any questions about these characters please ask away and I will answer them. I know some of the previous chapters have left some unanswered questions about don't worry they will, be answer soon enough.


Rank : alpha

Genji is the son of smiley and has a twin brother named boten but their cousins are their half brother as well, they share the same mother. Their cousins are also twins brother as well and all four siblings are alphas and very skilled in fighting. They don't have the best relationship with their fathers and never have had a relationship with their fathers, it has always been difficult for them. Genji never knew of his mother but his father will keep it secret from him and refused to speak about her.

Rank : alpha

Like his twin brother boten didn't have the best of relationship with his father he was willing to have some conversation with his father, and having dinner with him but he still didn't like the man. Like his brothers he had many questions about his mother and could only find her name, age, and where she was living at the time. He was the one who found a photo of their mother,and shared it with his siblings they wanted to meet her.

Rank : alpha

Tadashi was the oldest son of angry and was middle child of the third oldest of the brothers he didn't have a good relationship with her father, he didn't even speak with the man that much she mostly stayed away from him and allowed his brother to speak for him when it came to their father. Tadashi like his other brothers wanted to meet his mother and get to know her. Like his brother he hated seeing his classmates with their omega parents and having a normal relationship and happy family.

Rank : alpha

Daichi was the youngest of all three brothers and he was the one to inherited the blue ogre from his father, but he was different from his father because when he become mad he was more powerful then angry when he cried. There was no controlling him when he was mad, that was everyone had thought until they found out a way. The last gift the had from their mother was some record of music, so they played it one time and it had calmed him down. It seemed like daichi was more closer to his mother and wanted to meet her more then, his brothers he had kept a secret from his brothers he knew where she was and had seen her one time but never had the chance to speak with her.

Rank : alpha

Kenji didn't like his father and mostly stayed away from him it was all because of what his father had done, when he was young. Other parents kept their kids away from him because they thought he was like his father but he soon found friendship with Katio. Like all of his father he wanted to meet his mother and ask her question, he hated that his father kept information of his mother away from him. Pah and kenji mostly kept to themselves and only had a few times when they talked with each other.

Rank : Alpha

Katio had become friends with Katio because they both felt alone at school and other kids didn't like them, Katio might have a good and bad relationship with peh. He hated his father for making his mother leave him at young age and not allow them to keep contact. All because he wanted his son to be the perfect alpha bit that didn't work out in peh favor in the end. Soon enough peh didn't even have a relationship with his son who was his onky child.

Rank - alpha

Hiroto has live alone most of his life his father was rarely home and when he was the two barely even talked, when it came to his aunt or uncle he barely saw them as well. Then he there were his cousins he didn't speak to them that much it seemed like the whole shiba family didn't have the best of luck. He hated his father and wanted to meet his mother so many times, but his father would stop him or one of his other family members. He had so much hate growing for the and when he asked why, they would never answer bus questions when the others said they wanted to meet their mother he joined in. He was hoping one day he would meet his mother and have the family he always wanted like other kids.

There will be more characters mentioned later on in the book so if there anyone else you will, like to hear about please comment and I will see what I can do.

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