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"Reg, everybody... everybody this is my brother Regulus" Regulus was standing awkwardly in the gryffindor common room, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he stared at the group in front of him. James waved slightly at Regulus a large smile on his face.

"Hey Reggie... wanna play wizard's chess?" Regulus nodded sitting down in front of James where the board was already set up.

"So Regulus, tell me... are you gay?" Regulus' face flushed as he turned to face a girl, Marlene McKinnon.

"Marls you can't just ask people you just met that... Sorry Regulus, shes just trying to locate the gays of Hogwarts" Regulus smiled slightly, too anxious to talk.

"Well I'm 90% sure you know most the people here but introduction time!" Sirius walked up behind Regulus ruffling his hair, their relationship was still... rocky? But they were really trying to get back in touch. "The walking gay-dar is Marlene and her babysitter/girlfriend Dorcas"

"Uncalled for Black!" Sirius chuckled pointing in front of Regulus.

"You already know our resident furries, James and Peter... and my wonderful boyfriend Remus" Remus glared at Sirius before waving, his focus immediately back on the book he was reading.

"What's happening?" Sirius scurried over to the stairs where a group of people were walking down.

"And last but not least, Frank Alice, Mary and Lily" the group looked confused before noticing Regulus giving a quick wave.

"Okay well introductions done me and Dorcas have something we need to take care of" Everyone stopped what they were doing leaving a confused Regulus too stare at them.

"Ew... we didn't need to know that" Marlene laughed running away with Docas behind her.

James leaned into Regulus, "sorry I know our friend group is a lot" Regulus laughed making James smile.

"You're my friend remember, I'm used to 'a lot'" on another couch, Sirius sat with his eyebrows knitted together as he stared at the two boys whispering to eachother with secret smiles.

Something is going to happen between those two... he could feel it.


Opinion: school is stupid and after 4th grade you just relearn what you learnt the previous year.

Like I'm currently learning long division?!?!?! Like I already leaned that years ago why do I gotta relearn it?

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