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James had found a letter, while putting things into boxes, leaving an apartment he had just moved into because the memories had become to much.

A letter that was so easily findable he couldn't figure out why he hadn't seen it before.

An envelope sat in Regulus' end table. a plain envelope, addressed to James. He grapped it with shaking hands as he stared at the folded paper sat inside.

Dear James

If you're reading this I clearly didn't make it... I'm so sorry. I wish I could've told you, so that this wouldn't be so shocking to you. But if I did you would try to stop me. And I couldn't let you do that.

I love you so much, please don't hate me for this. I would never want to leave you trust me. But I'd rather be dead then have you be in danger.

I know our wedding is in just a few weeks from when I'm writing this but since you're reading this... we don't get to have that wedding, so I thought I should tell you what I was going to say.

James, when you joined me in the library, I thought you were annoying. But then you kept coming back, you were the first person to ever come back. And it took awhile to realize the feeling that you made me feel when you came back wasn't annoyance, it was love. And maybe it was a little rough for awhile, but we were happy, and that was all that mattered. So I'm here today, wearing a suit and standing up in front of everyone even though I have major social anxiety to say.

I love love you so much, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

James put the letter down, his quiet sobs the only sound you can hear in his now empty apartment. No furniture, no people, no Regulus.

"Fuck Reggie" James sat on the floor holding the letter to his chest, hoping that if he holds it close enough he'll be able to feel Regulus through it.

"James?" Lily was standing in the door frame, having apparated into the silent apartment to help move boxes.

"Lily... I'm not okay" Lily kneeled in front of him, a hand now pressed to his cheek.

"I know James, but you don't have to be just yet"


😋💔 I'm writing this in class and trying to not cry.

Writing this story is the embodiment of "this hurts me more than it hurts you"

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