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Clearly Mcgonagall had a soft spot for the marauders because here Regulus sat, at the gryffindor table eating lunch.

Well not really eating, more... staring? For some reason Regulus couldn't keep his eyes off of James, he noticed things about him, things you'd only notice if you were truly looking.

His nose squints when he laughs, and he has light freckles that spread across his face. His eyes are brown but have light specks of amber in them, his lips are soft looking and red tinted and-

"Earth to Regulus!" Regulus snapped his gaze off of James immediately turning red.

"Oh... Marlene uh- sorry" Marlene chuckled shaking her head, she leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"I know Jamie over here is a resident hottie but you have to be more discreet about it" Regulus flushed going to defend himself.

"I- that's not" Marlene put a finger too her lips shutting him up.

"Its okay Reginald your secrets safe with me" Regulus looked down nodding slightly, he didn't know why he was so infatuated with James, but it would suck if a rumor got out before he could even figure out what he wanted.

"What are you two whispering about?" Regulus looked up at James with wide eyes his hands shaking slightly.

"Nothing just a casual inter-house conversation" James raised his eyebrow at Marlene.

"Okay?" James looked over to Regulus and smiled before turning back too his conversation.

"Merlin have mercy on me please" Marlene laughed at Regulus' mumbling, his eyes wide and face red, he doesn't know what's happening with him and James but if him smiling can get him this worked up...

...He didn't know if he would be able to handle it...


Oh my god 4 days without a new chapter I'm so sorry I've been depriving y'all.

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