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"Hey you wanna go to the library with me, I feel like it's been forever since we were there together" Regulus was nervous, books held against his chest as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Oh- sorry I have plans" James turned back to look at Lily, standing at the end of the hall waiting for him.

"With Evans right?" James only nodded his frown more apparent "it's okay I should probably catch up on my potions homework anyway... see you later" James went to respond, apologize? But Regulus had already sped walked away, trying to blink away the tears welling in his eyes.

It was stupid really, how he felt about James because sure Regulus liked him, but he would always love her. It was just how life was, Regulus had to learn to accept that. He knew it was just a matter of time before they got together, and he would loose James to Lily Evans.

"Regulus?" He stopped walking at the sound of his brother. He looked up at him, causing his brothers heart to break and anger flow through him. "What happened?"

Regulus had bottled it in for so long he didn't know if he could hold himself from telling Sirius everything... so he did, he told him everything from when they first started talking to eachother to the little book club they had started... to the crush he had gained on his brothers best friend. And to said best friend now having a girlfriend... a girlfriend he could never compete with.

"Oh...." Regulus laughed at Sirius' downplayed reaction to his rant, "I kinda already knew you liked him"

"What? Why did you let me go on for so long about it then" Sirius put him hand on Regulus' shoulder pointing out his tears and choked sobs.

"You needed to tell someone" Regulus smiled at him, before bringing him into a hug, it was long, Regulus didnt want to let go, a build up of a childhood without affection.

"Thanks... I love you" Sirius chuckled squeezing him tighter.

"I love you too Reg"


Pov: it's the period after gym and the guy in front of me never wears deodorant 👁👄👁

Pov: two chapters in one night (this is where you thank me <3)

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