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"Alright Reggie?" Regulus broke out of his thoughts quickly nodding at James. He was sat on the floor in the Mararuders dorm, only half listening too their useless conversation, he just wanted to have company, or see one guy specifically...

"Oh... Ya sorry I was just thinking about stuff" Stuff, as in why James could make him feel so many different things. Things a friend shouldn't make you feel, things a guy shouldn't feel for another guy... he wasn't gay...was he? Were the feelings romantic, or had Regulus been without friends for so long he couldn't tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings.

"Oh? What kind of things" Sirius was smirking at the way Regulus widened his eyes, turning red as he spluttered out an answer.

"Nothing! J-just normal things!" The rest stared at him with eyebrows raised, Regulus had a hard time speaking to others sure, but he was bright red avoiding eye contact with them.

"Awee Reggie you can tell us" James was now knelt in front of him, hands on both of Regulus' cheeks.

Regulus went bright red his eyes widened, he sat there staring at James, for probably too long for comfort, but James didn't pull away... so neither did he.

"Yep definitely romantic" James raised his eyebrow but didnt let go of Regulus' cheeks only leaning slightly back to stare at him confused.

"What?" Sirius bursted out laughing at Regulus' red face and wide eyes, he felt a little bad for the lad, but theis was too funny of an experience to pass it by.

"Nothing!" Regulus' voice cracked in panic, neither James or Regulus pulling away from eachother.

"Alright James hands off my baby brother you pervert" James turned red quickly pulling away from Regulus, who had frowned at the loss of contact.

"That wasn't- I wasn't" the marauders laughed at James' stuttering, not continuing the conversation just going back to doing their own things.

Exept for Regulus who had been sat still, he couldn't break away from the thoughts that were shouted in his brain when James had been so close too him... it was obvious now, Regulus had a crush on James Potter.

Too bad James was in love with Lily Evans


Just had my first volleyball practice this year and it was brutal I have a tournament this weekend against people 3 years older than me 😭

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