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"You're going on a date?" James' voice was low, Almost hurt? but Regulus brushed it off nodding with his cheeks bright red.

"Awwww ickle Reg growing up so fast, hes got himself a girlfriend" the word made Regulus recoil, 'girlfriend' it felt weird... wrong. He didn't want a girlfriend, he didn't even really wanna go on this date, he regretted saying yes the second the his brain caught up to the conversation.

"I don't have a girlfriend..." Sirius' eyes widened in quick realization he thought when Remus had told him Regulus was asked out and said yes it meant maybe... he had gotten over James.

"Hey..." Thea whipped around to face Regulus, a bright smile on her face.

"Regulus hi!" Regulus' face morphed into one of discust, not from her... but from the idea of what this was about to be, a date... with not James.

Regulus zoned out during the entire walk to Hogsmeade, leaving Thea to hold a one-sided conversation to not bore herself to death.

"We should go to The Three Broomsticks?" Regulus nodded at her forced smile, he could tell she was getting bored, realizing why he was always alone, not because he wanted to, but because he was an asshole to anyone that asked to hang out.

Was she wrong to think that? He hadn't talked to her once. Only slight nods to her questions, just to show her he was listening.

"Okay... let's go then..." Regulus followed beside her, an uncomfortable smile on his face as he looked at her, he didn't try to be mean... he just felt no intrest in her, no reason to interact with her. Even though he had been the one to say yes to the date.

Thea grabbed his hand, letting go when he flinched immediately, if the day wasn't already awkward that made it so much worse, they both stared a head of them, eyes widened in fear.

People watched with confusion at the clear lack of interaction going on between them, Regulus turning red feeling the eyes on him. This date was an all around bad idea.


Regulus the gay on a very awkward first date... with a girl.

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