Part 1

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Once upon a time in a castle there was a king, a queen, and their two adorable daughters; Greta and Vilma. Vilma was six years old and Greta was ten years old, both girls were very close, they loved to comb each other's long blonde hair. They also loved to play in the enchanted castle, and whenever they could, they would ask Franklin the butler to please decorate a part of the castle in a spooky way, something very Halloween style, but when Franklin could not, or their parents; King Fabius and Queen Isabella would not give them permission to play in the enchanted castle. Greta and Vilma would go to the park to play with the other girls in the community. Once Vilma was playing with a girl named Sofia on the swings, and while they were swinging, Sofia's mother arrived and scolded her:

-Well of course I told you that I didn't want you near that snooty Vilma or Greta, don't you understand that they are not a good influence on you, they will make you feel less and will make you hate your life and want their life - her mother told her, taking her by the hand and leading her away. Vilma, who did not understand many things because of her young age, went crying to the maid who accompanies them to play in the park and cried in her lap.

-Flor, why don't any of the girls in the park want to join me or Greta? -Vilma asked her, very sad.

-I don't know, Vilma, maybe it's not that they don't want to, but that they are not used to having the presence of two beautiful princesses in this little park, and they feel overwhelmed because they don't know how to behave," answered Flor, stroking her beautiful golden hair.

-But I just want to be a normal person, I don't want my presence or Greta's to overwhelm them, I don't want that, I want to be just another little girl, I want that, I want that more than anything in the world, Flor, why can't I have it? -asked Vilma.

-My girl, I bet the girls you see here in the park wish they could be like you, they wish they could be a princess to know what your life is like, to know what it feels like, you, my girl, you are lucky because you have the life that many long for and that's why they push you aside: because of envy," said Flor.

-Envy? What is that?

-Envy is to desire what others have. Wanting what they have and since they can't have it, they hate you because you have it and they don't, or well, they don't hate you since that is a very serious word, but they do have a certain rejection, when someone envies you, feel lucky because it means that things are going well in your life," said Flor.

Then, at that moment, a lady touched Flor's shoulder, she had a cane in her hand and was wearing dark glasses, she was blind.

-Hello, I hope I am not bothering you, but could you help me cross the street, I am a little short-sighted," said the lady. The maid looked at the time and realized that it was already very late, she had to be back with the girls at three thirty, just at tea time, and it was already three fifty-five, but she could not not help the lady, her good heart prevented her, so she agreed.

-Yes, all right, at once," said Flor. Then the maid took the lady's hand and helped her to cross the street. When she came back she found Vilma playing on the seesaw.

-Oops, it's already too late! We must go. Call your sister, Vilma. -said Flor. Then she signaled the driver to turn on the limousine. Vilma went to call her sister Greta, but she didn't come back with her.

-Vilma, dear, where is Greta? Where is she? -said Flor, as she threw some things into a bag.

-She is not here. -Vilma answered.

-What do you mean, she's not here? -asked Flor, dumbfounded.

-No. My older sister is not here," answered Vilma as a tear ran down her cheek. Flor, hysterical, ran to look for Greta, she looked for her all over the park, but she couldn't find her anywhere. She asked the chauffeur to please take her to look for Greta through all the streets of the kingdom. They searched and searched and searched for her, but in three hours of searching they could not find her. Flor did not know what to do, she was responsible for the fact that Greta was lost, but even more important, she was responsible for the fact that the future queen of the kingdom of Empress was missing. The whole world came down on Flor's head. At seven o'clock in the evening she had no choice but to return to the castle and show her face. She entered the royal hall, knelt on the hand-embroidered gold carpet and said:

-King Fabius and Queen Elizabeth, I lost Lady Greta in the park. In one second I had her within my sight in the other no longer. It all happened so fast. You do not know how sorry I am, it is something I can never forgive myself, I beg you, your royal highness, to grant me forgiveness, and I will also pray a lot so that the little one may appear," said the flower with my soul in my hand.

Queen Elizabeth stood up and walked away from her majestic throne, she walked slowly to flower, who was kneeling.

-Look at me! -said Queen Isabella.

Flor looked up until her only field of vision was Queen Elizabeth's face, fine and flawless. Suddenly a horrible silence flooded the room, and was eliminated by a loud sound that echoed throughout the royal hall, that of Queen Elizabeth's hand impacting against the servant's cheek. Flower patted her red cheek after the blow.

-You are incompetent. I never thought you were so stupid as to lose my daughter, the future queen of the kingdom of Empress, you deserve exile, if my daughter does not appear the damage you caused to the kingdom and to me and my husband Fabio will be irreparable, not with each of all your prayers throughout your life can you remedy it, nor being a slave the rest of your life can you amend what you have done due to your incompetitiveness. Nor with every drop of your foul and disgusting blood will you pay for all the damage you have done. I demand a royal trial for the servant," -said Queen Elizabeth.

She then withdrew from the royal hall, and guards took Flor captive in one of the castle cells until the time came for her trial, where she would receive a sentence, to be held tomorrow.

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