Part 47

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Meanwhile David was in the royal hall with the former king.

-What did you request my presence for, sir?

-Oh, hello, David, how nice to see you. Yes, look, I... I wanted to talk to you today because in two days time we will be holding a royal ball to celebrate my daughter Greta's return. I don't want to sound awkward by assuming this, but... don't you know how to dance?

David was perplexed by Fabio's question.

-Well, you're absolutely right, I don't know how to dance.

-Just as I assumed, don't worry, even though the dance is in two days, I hired Miss Susan to teach you the main dance steps that are performed at a real dance.

Into the room entered a woman of about 25 years old, quite slender, with turquoise dyed hair and beautiful freckles standing out on her face.

Susan greeted King David kindly.

David was a bit nervous, he had no idea what was going to happen next.

-Susan is going to take you to the ballroom, where they will spend the next four hours practicing, and tomorrow they will also teach four hours, enough time for you to learn at least the basics, isn't that right, Susan? -questioned Fabio.

-Of course," said Susan, with a smile.

Susan then asked David to accompany her to the ballroom. David, full of nerves, followed the professional dancer.

Meanwhile, Vilma was in her room and Isabel came in.

-Hello, daughter, I hope I'm not intruding," said her mother, greeting her.

-No, Mom, of course not," said Vilma, sitting up in bed.

Isabel noticed a gloomy vibe in Vilma.

-Is something wrong, my love? You seem discouraged, as if you've been through an unfortunate experience.

-Well, to tell the truth, yes," answered the queen.

-Oh, Vilma, I'm so sorry, do you want to tell me, does David have anything to do with this, I promise you that the person who hurt you will pay, I promise you, love," Isabel assured.

-No, mom, you don't have to punish anyone. Don't worry about it. What happened was that..., I told my sister Greta that I wasn't going to make her queen, at least not for now," Vilma said.

Her mother looked at her strangely.

-And why is that?

-Mom, didn't you see how she behaved during the royal dinner? Those are not the manners of a queen. She doesn't have the capacity to rule the kingdom of Empress, at least not for now.

-Well, you're right about that, I've noticed an immaturity in your sister too, even though she's four years ahead of you. The way she behaved the other day at dinner frightened me too, we don't know what she is capable of being on the throne. Don't change, daughter, you have made the best decision. And we will see later in the future if your sister is suitable to rule the kingdom. For now, don't worry, everything will work out," her mother encouraged her.

-Thank you very much, Mom, those words were just what I needed to hear. I know I'm doing the right thing, so the fact that Greta slapped me when I told her my decision, reaffirms my position even more.

-She did what, how come Greta slapped you? -asked Isabel, dramatically.

-As soon as Greta heard the news she slapped me, she told me that I was a thief, and that I was only interested in power, that's why I wouldn't give up the throne to her. She is very wrong," Vilma clarified.

-Definitely, Vilma, your decision was the best. How was she able to do such a thing? I never expected it from Greta. It's just that... you are sisters, you are there to support each other, not to fight and argue, what did I do wrong, what? -Isabel asked herself, holding her hands to her head.

-Yes, I was surprised too. I never thought I would see Greta again. Why does she care so much about being queen, she should worry about choosing the psychologist who will help her get over everything that happened, not worry about being queen, mom," said Vilma, with a distressed look on her face.

-In situations like this I do what my mother advised me to do.

-And what did my grandmother advise you?

-Let time go by, believe it or not, with time everything works out, my dear. Never give in to despair, because it is in the midst of despair that we do the stupidest things. And no one wants to do them, because in the future they will regret it, of that there is no doubt. That's why it's better to let time pass, don't worry, my dear. Everything will be all right," Isabel told her in a protective voice.

-Thank you very much, mom, you always know what to say, how to say it, and when to say it," said Vilma, gratefully. 

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