Part 38

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The great day had arrived, today David and Vilma would marry, a union that would make them stay together until death would separate them. Queen Elizabeth had made the news spread throughout the kingdom, that the marriage of Princess Vilma was in the headlines of the news, and on the front pages. David could not believe that only yesterday he was calling his mother to tell her that he would not be home that night, and just today in the morning he was calling her to invite her to his wedding with the princess in the royal castle, which, of course she did not believe at first stay, but after seeing that David did not give in and did not give in, then she ended up believing him, of course with a series of mini heart attacks, due to the shock of knowing that her son would be the next king of Empress.

The wedding was scheduled for ten o'clock in the morning. Everyone in the castle was running around to make all the preparations to make the wedding a wonderful one, despite the very short time they had to make it happen. Princess Vilma was in her room, with her mother and a stylist preparing her hairstyle.

-No, I don't like that style, let's try another one, shall we? -demanded the queen.

-Mom, that's the way I like it, it's very beautiful," said the princess.

-I'm sorry, Vilma, but here we do what I say, because at least for now, I am the queen," exclaimed the queen, burning with anger.

-Yes, mother," Vilma lamented, she knew that if she continued to quarrel, her mother would slap her and she would end up winning, so of course she was not willing to be slapped by her mother on her wedding day.

Meanwhile, David was getting ready in the guest room, with the help of King Fabius and some fashion experts.

-What color do you think would look best on her chignon? -asked Roy.

-Chignon? You're delirious, aren't you, Roy? He, of course, will wear a tie," said Pedro, with a firm voice to indicate that this was his last word.

-All right, Pedro, but don't get angry," Roy advised him.

To which Pedro responded with eyes alight with anger that made Roy not think of opening his mouth once more. King Fabius, for his part, let out a small chuckle at the dilemma that the pair were facing. David, for his part, only thought about the fact that he would not be able to attend his friend Peter's funeral. And how bad that made him feel. But he knew that Peter was watching from wherever he was and would be very happy for David, to see that he had taken a new path, the path of good. And he imagined Peter congratulating him, which made him feel much better.

Meanwhile, Koda's brother Lucas was just getting out of bed when he heard a knock at his door.

-Grandpa, go get the door, will you? -Lucas shouted.

His grandfather went to the door to open it and was confronted by two armed officers.

-Good morning, sir, sorry to bother you. But, we are looking for this guy. Some neighbors reported that he lives in this house, could you help us?

Stupefied, the grandfather showed them in, knowing that if they were looking for Koda, it was not exactly for something good.

-Wait, here, please, I'll get him,

Grandfather went to Koda's room, where he found Luke just awake and Koda in a deep sleep.

He woke him up.

-Grandfather, who was that, grandfather? -Lucas wanted to know, somewhat intrigued.

-What happened? -asked Koda, a little angry that he had been woken up.

-You have to come with me, there are some officers in the room, they say they are looking for you.

In an instant, Koda knew terror, he knew that if there were two officers in his house, it was for one reason only, because of Fernando.

-Grandfather, please forgive me, I swear I did it for my mother. Forgive me," begged Koda, his eyes full of tears and his skin as white as milk.

-What did you do? -asked his grandfather, with the eyes of one who watches terror.

Grandfather led Koda out, and Lucas came after him. Seeing them, the officers were confused.

-Who of you two is the one in the talking picture," one of the officers wanted to know.

-It's my brother," said Lucas, looking at the picture the officer showed him, "he has bigger eyes, I have small ones," said Lucas, who looked at Koda with fear overflowing from his eyes.

-All right, Koda, you are under arrest for the crime of murder, anything you say can and will be used against you, you have the right to an attorney, if you can't afford one, the kingdom will provide one," one of the officers informed Koda as the other approached the boy, to put him in handcuffs.

Grandfather and Lucas began to cry frantically.

-Who did Koda kill? Tell us... please," Grandfather wanted to know.

-Fernando Cortés, a guard of Queen Isabel.

-No, it can't be true, tell me it's not true, please, Koda," his grandfather begged, his concern overflowing from his eyes.

-I'm so sorry," Koda told him, tears in his eyes.

His grandfather had no choice but to look down, and wait for the officers to take Koda away.

His death was assured.

-Grandfather, not to sound smart or anything, but I tried to stop Koda the night he went to kill that guard.

-What? How did you know he was going to do that? Why didn't you stop him, Lucas? -His grandfather reproached him, with a hint of anger in his tone of voice.

-I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen to me, and I knew he was going to do something bad, because of the time he left the house, and I also saw it in his eyes, I saw the eyes of revenge," said his grandson.

-Revenge, what do you mean? -he asked.

-The guard Koda killed was the same guard who killed our mother twelve years ago," he said.

-It can't be, how can someone have such a strong desire for revenge for so long? It's something I can't conceive, really, why are you and your brother so different? In spite of being very similar physically? -he said to himself, as he sat down on the sofa and buried his face in his hands.

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