Part 13

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Meanwhile, David had everything ready to go to Professor Stuart's house. And, making sure that his mom had gone out to buy things at the supermarket, he called Mario and Peter to help him take things to Mr. Stuart's house. They went to a dark alley at half past seven. They put on their ski masks, and set out to go to the professor's house, for revenge. By eight o'clock, they were outside Professor Stuart's house, hiding behind some bushes.

-Hey, the dog is no longer in the hallway," said Peter, looking at the front of the house through binoculars.

They had told him everything that had happened with the dog.

-Stuart has already arrived, since there are some lights on, and he buried it in the yard," laughed David.

-Yes, maybe," agreed Mario.

Then they saw a shadow pass by a window.

-It's Stuart, he's going to his room," said Mario.

And Mario was right, because a moment later the light in the living room went out and only the one in the garage, which he had forgotten to turn off, David thought, and the ones in the bedroom, where he was.

-Well, it's time to go in very quietly," said David.

The children sneaked in until they reached the corridor. David looked for the bad window. When he found it, he said:

-I'm going in and if there is no danger I'll signal them with the spotlight to come in -he indicated.

-Okay," said Mario.

And David cut the cloth with a knife and entered the house. He walked silently. He heard nothing inside. Stuart was in his room, relaxing, reading a book, or preparing the next way to make David's life impossible, he thought to himself. He waved to his friends, beckoning them in. They crept in. The three boys climbed the stairs to the second floor until they found Stuart's room. The door was locked.

-Pass me the paper clip," David asked and Peter handed it to him.

David carefully slid the paper clip in until they heard the faint sound of a door being unlocked: "pik". Stuart, on the other hand, had his headphones on; if he hadn't had them on, he would have found it rather strange to hear that "pik", as he lived alone. Peter had an idea.

-I'm coming, guys, I'm going to go see if this creep has any safes or any money he can steal from me," said Peter.

-Okay," said David, "but hurry up.

We're about to start the stunt.

-Okay, fine," said Peter, who quietly walked down the stairs to the living room. He looked around until he found a small ceramic box in the shape of a kitten, inside was a hundred dollars and a few pennies. Written on the side it said, "savings for fence painting."

-Well, well. I guess the fence is going to have to wait until next year," Peter scoffed.

He stuffed the money into a small purse. He went to the kitchen and rummaged through it. He saw the refrigerator next to a cabinet and scrutinized it. Let's see what a professor eats, Peter thought to himself. Inside he found two frozen pizzas, raw fish, and a good amount of yogurt; there were also chocolates, Peter's favorite. He grabbed several bars and threw them in his bag. He went up to the second floor until he caught up with David and Mario.

-What took you so long? -Mario whispered.

-I got caught up with some decoration," he lied.

-Well, it's time," said David, "now! -he added.

The children opened the door, and to their surprise they found Stuart reading a book with his headphones on. His back was to the door, so he couldn't see them so the circumstances couldn't have been better. David, Mario and Peter approached quietly, stealthily. David made sure to keep his ski mask on, he didn't want Professor Stuart to recognize him for anything in the world. Suddenly, as if in the blink of an eye, they jumped on top of the professor and David tied a rope around his neck. Mario was in charge of putting a blindfold on him to block his vision, and Peter looked for a chair to tie him to it, since the one he was sitting on was wheeled, and was useless. David sat Stuart down, while he shouted calls for help. Mario tried to cover his mouth as best he could as Stuart put up resistance. He tied his legs and arms in a knot.

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