Part 36

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In the meantime, Princess Vilma had already taken a hot bath, and had put on the most comfortable clothes she had in her vast closet.

-Hope, will you please come," exclaimed the princess from across the room.

-Tell me, princess," replied the maid.

-I would like you to please let David know that he is invited to dinner at half past seven," asked Vilma.

-Right away, princess," said the maid Esperanza, and turning around, she headed towards the guest room, where David was staying.

Vilma, for her part, kept thinking about David, in fact, it was the only thing she had been thinking about lately, David had given Vilma great happiness since the moment she had seen him for the first time. She had always read in romance books that love comes when you least expect it and in the most inopportune circumstances. However, in this case David had come into Vilma's life when she was most expecting it, and in the most opportune circumstances. She didn't need to keep thinking about which prince charming she was going to share the rest of her life with, because it was clear, she realized it when he hugged her under that tree to protect her from the rain. He was the Prince Charming she had been looking for. She took her personal diary, and began to write, with a smile printed on her face:

Dear diary, how funny, sometimes the worst things come with a gift bow, and sometimes the best people hide behind a uniform of a simple and humble chauffeur. Life plays with our emotions on a daily basis, trying to expose us and make us feel vulnerable so that we find the person we are meant to be with. Finding my prince charming was something I always dreamed of, but I never thought he would be my chauffeur. I declare, on this page, on page one hundred and thirty-one of my diary, that David makes me feel things that no one else makes me feel, he turns my stomach, he makes my little heart skip a beat when I see him and, above all, he makes me happy. David is the chosen one, I chose him, now I just hope he chooses me too, so I can rule the kingdom of Empress united for the next thirty-five years.

She closed her diary and put it on her bedside table. Then she got out of bed and went to her mother, Queen Elizabeth, who was in the royal parlor, having tea.

-Hello mother, how are you?" asked Vilma, as she sat down.

-I'm fine, how are you? -she said.

-I'm wonderful, mother, I want to tell you that I finally found him, I found my true love.

The queen let out a little cry.

-Did you finally find him? Thank God, I prayed so hard for this to happen. Vilma, you must know that at certain moments I was afraid that we were going to lose our beautiful kingdom, but they listened to my prayers, and my worries were extinguished. You don't know how happy I am for you, but... tell me... who's the lucky guy?

-Mom, it's David, the new driver, he conquered my heart, and even though I've known him for two days, I feel that my heart tells me that he is the chosen one, he is mom," said Vilma, with much enthusiasm.

The queen placed her cup of tea on the coffee table, and looked at Vilma with happy eyes.

-Daughter, you don't know how happy I am for you, that you will find the love of your life.

-Come, come, give me a hug," said Isabel, as she approached her to embrace her.

-But..., have you told him yet?

-No, mom, I haven't told him yet, I have to let him know," Vilma exclaimed.

-Of course, Vilma, go and change, make yourself beautiful from head to toe, you will tell him at the royal dinner tonight," said the queen.

-Of course, mother, I'll go right away, I'll see you tonight.

-I, for my part, will wait until your father arrives from his meeting with some businessmen, to inform him of the splendid news," said Isabel, happier than ever.

In the meantime, Paula approached the lady at the reception desk to ask if she had seen the boy who had come with her leave.

-Yes, yes I saw him, he left about fifteen minutes ago, young man," said the secretary.

-I understand, thank you anyway.

After a second, she remembered that she had another question to ask the secretary.

-Listen, you don't know if I... could, could I stay here, in the nursing home, I assure you that I know how to do all the housework and I can help all the old people who need it, please, I beg you, if you let me stay here, I would be the happiest girl of all," Paula said to her.

-I would have to check with my boss, but I don't see a problem. In fact, it is hard to find young people who are interested in taking care of the elderly, you are a great example for the younger ones," the secretary congratulated her.

-Thank you very much, I appreciate it very much, you will see that I will not fail you, I promise.

Paula remembered that tonight she had no place to sleep, and she did not want to go back to the hostel.

-Miss, do you think I could sleep here tonight? -asked Paula, with a doubtful look.

-If you like, I can get you a small room, but if you decide to stay, you would have to take care of the needs and emergencies that the elderly may have during the night and you would not receive any salary for that, do you agree? -The secretary wanted to know.

-Of course I do, I totally agree," said Paula, who was overwhelmed with emotion.

-Wonderful, come, let me guide you to your space, follow me.

Paula followed the secretary to what would be her new home, it was small, but she didn't mind, it was enough to provide the basic necessities for her to feel at ease. Besides, from today she would start living with Eydelme, and taking care of her, it was something she owed her, and that she wanted to do, because Eydelme in the past had been very good to her, and she now wanted to be good to Eydelme, and share with her all the moments that her father Rodrigo deprived her of.

When she went to bed, Paula checked the briefcase that Peter had given her, it was a bit heavy indeed, so she waited until she had the necessary privacy. She opened the briefcase and inside were piles and piles of bills in enormous quantities, so much so that if she were to count them it would take her a few hours. The astonishment was so great that she thought she had already fallen asleep and was only in a dream, but after a slight pinch she discovered that no, that was the reality. Peter had given her a great deal of money. In the near future Paula would look for Peter all over the kingdom, but, after never finding him, she would give up, and decide to buy a huge house with the money Peter gave her, a house where she and Eydelme could live peacefully, for long, long days. 

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