Part 2

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-What happened to my older sister? asked Vilma to Genesis, a ten-year-old princess from the kingdom of Cilindrar, who loved to visit Vilma and Greta at Empress because they had so much in common.

-I don't know, I heard she got lost, Vilmita," Genesis replied.

-And what does it mean that he got lost? -Vilma asked, a little sad, because deep down she thought she knew.

-It means that someone stole it, someone has your sister Greta, and you will never see her again," said Genesis, touching Vilma's shoulder.

-But I want to see my little sister again," said Vilma.

-I'm very sorry, Vilmita, I really am, but I don't think that wish will ever come true," said Genesis.

Suddenly, Genesis remembered something. About thirty minutes ago, a gentleman from the castle had approached her and told her:

-It's a pity about the loss of Princess Greta, isn't it? -he had said.

-Yes, it is a tragic thing indeed, no doubt," Lady Genesis had said.

-But I can think of something, you know? -she had said.

-What is it? -she asked, curious.

-Well, who better to find a princess than other princesses, and if my calculations don't fail me there are two princesses here.

Then, Lady Genesis thought he was right, it is the only way to find a lost princess, so she had to tell Vilma.

-You know something, Vilma, we can find Greta, let's go out to the kingdom, you will see that we will find her," said Lady Genesis.

-But we can't go out, the castle has guards everywhere, it's impossible to go out without being seen," said Vilma.

-Maybe not, Lady Genesis, I know someone who can help us," said Genesis. And Vilma's eyes shone like stars.

-Who? Who, Genesis? -asked Vilma, very curious.

-Driver Wilson, he's very easy to persuade, and I'm sure that if we ask him to take us to the street to look for Greta, he'll take us," said Genesis.

-Well, what are we waiting for? What are we waiting for? Let's go at once! -Vilma shouted, full of joy. They were going to look for their lost little sister and, for some reason, Vilma was both amused and saddened, because she always saw in the movies that princesses were kidnapped, only this time, far from being a movie, it was life, real life.

-Wilson, would you take us outside to look for Greta, please? -said Genesis.

-I'm sorry, miss, but I can't do that," said Wilson, the chauffeur of the royal family of the kingdom of Cilindrar, "it is strictly forbidden for me, Miss Genesis, to go out with you alone without prior permission from King Giovanni or Queen Gabriela.

-Oh, come on, Wilson, I'm almost eleven years old, besides, I just want to go for a walk to see the charming and beautiful kingdom of Empress, and I want my friend Vilma to accompany us, please say yes," said Genesis.

Both girls made a pleading look and Wilson couldn't say no no matter how much he wanted to.

-Okay, but we'll be right back so no one notices her absence.

Wilson started the limo and drove them through the streets. When they arrived at an ice cream parlor Genesis and Vilma asked to stop the limo there, to go get some ice cream, as soon as Wilson stopped the limo, the two girls opened the door and ran out of there. Wilson immediately got out of the limo and ran very fast to catch up with them, but he was already very old, he did not run as fast unlike the girls who no doubt thanks to their young age were faster. They managed to get away from Wilson and headed straight for the park where Greta had gotten lost. They reached the seesaw where she had last been seen, but her sister was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly a scary old man who seemed to be from the street grabbed their hand.

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