Part 24

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Meanwhile, back at the cabin Paula and Rodrigo had already finished breakfast. She had prepared some scrambled eggs with sausage and some coffee with milk. But after breakfast Rodrigo asked for a beer.

-There isn't any, dad, you have to buy some, but don't go shopping, please, it hurts you, look how your heart is," said Paula.

-You don't have to tell me what to do, I'm going to buy the beers, I'll be right back, you'll see," said Rodrigo.

-Dad, don't go, it's better if you wait until the afternoon so you can go to your doctor's appointment," advised his daughter, a little worried.

-I have already told you that I am the one who gives the orders here, so you shut up. -Rodrigo said and walked towards the door with the keys in his hand.

-Goodbye, Paula," he said.

-Goodbye, Dad," said Paula, watching her father walk out of the cabin and slam the door shut.

Rodrigo left the cabin, then closed the three locks and walked to the kingdom to get the beers. However, when he had been walking for about three hundred meters he began to limp and walk slowly, slowly.

-What the hell is happening to me? -Rodrigo asked himself.

He touched his chest and stopped, as he felt a stabbing pain in his chest that increased as he walked. He prayed for the pain to stop so he could continue his journey to the kingdom to buy the beers and maybe later go to the doctor. But the pain in his chest did not stop, on the contrary, it increased with every breath, with every heartbeat, with every blink of an eye. Rodrigo began to see blurry and the trees and the green undergrowth began to distort, he put his eyes on the ground, but he became dizzy. The whole world spun around and suddenly he fell to the ground, collapsed. And the pain stopped, it stopped because nothing could hurt anymore. And it was like that, on that cold morning, when Rodrigo knew that life stops at any moment and that morning, which seemed to be like any other morning for others, turned out to be his last.

-Paula," he mumbled, in a very low voice. -Paulita. Paulita," he whispered almost in his mind.

And he closed his eyes, never to open them again. While the wind ruffled his hair and the birds sang sweet melodies. Rodrigo knew there was a beginning and an end, but he never expected the end to come so suddenly and unexpectedly.

Meanwhile, Koda was at home, he had his gun in his pocket and was preparing to avenge his mother's death, that wretch who had humiliated his mother was going to pay for everything he had done that morning. Koda had woken up very early in the morning, hoping that no one in his house, neither his grandparents, nor an uncle of his nor his brother Lucas were awake. He walked stealthily to the window and opened it gently avoiding making as little noise as possible, but when he was about to leave his house, it was when Lucas, his twin brother woke up, he sat up in bed and directed a glance at Koda, who was about to leave through the window, he was quite surprised to see Koda awake when he was not one of those who slept very little, in fact, Koda always woke up at nine, and it was because his grandfather woke him up, otherwise he would still be sleeping. Lucas looked at Koda, telling him with his eyes a lot of things, but the main one was to tell him where he planned to go at that time, but, seeing that Koda pretended to ignore him and was about to go out the window, he decided to act.

-Where are you going, brother? -Lucas asked.

Koda tried to cover the gun in his pocket because even though it was covered, the silhouette was visible in his pants, and he didn't want his brother to see it because it could spoil the whole plan.

-I have to go do something that doesn't concern you," Koda told him.

Luke got out of bed and walked over to the sliding window where Koda was about to leave.

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