Part 31

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The next day, Paula met Peter, they were just arriving in the realm of Empress. They were just arriving in civilization. After a day of walking and walking, a rest was what they both longed for most, but they had nowhere to sleep. Paula had no home in the kingdom, except for the small house that once belonged to her father, and of course she didn't want to go there. Memories flashed through her mind where she discovered that her father had murdered her mother, and she tried to do her best to eliminate them quickly, she didn't want her mind to be discouraged in that way, as she entered the house that harbored within it the darkest and bloodiest secrets.

-Do you have somewhere we can go for the night? -Paula asked.

Peter hesitated to answer, he knew he could not tell Paula that he was a fugitive from the law, for she would ask what he had done, and obviously it was not in his plans to let her know that she was walking in the middle of the night next to a murderer. So he lied.

-I know of a place near here that houses homeless people, we live in a very generous kingdom," he told her.

Paula was really surprised to hear such an unusual answer. There were only two possible scenarios in which Peter would say what he had just said. The first, he didn't have a home, which was very strange, since he didn't look like a street dweller, and the second, which was that he didn't want to take her to his abode. She preferred not to lean towards either option and not to question good Peter. She was very grateful to him for releasing her from his pressure and giving her what she was so unfamiliar with, freedom. That was what really mattered, that she was free, so what if she had to spend the night in a hostel.

-Sure, let's go to that place you're talking about," Paula added, giving Peter a beautiful smile.

They walked even further until they reached the hostel where they were kindly welcomed by the people in charge of housing people. However, Peter and Paula did not sleep next to each other, the shelter had a section for men and a section for women, so they were separated.

-See you tomorrow," said Paula, as Peter said goodbye to her and offered her a look of tenderness.

She went to bed, and was greatly surprised at how comfortable everything was despite being a hostel. However, then she thought that someone like her would always find something positive in any place, for everything was better than spending one more night in the dark cabin in the forest, far from any contact with humans, and the warmth emanating from their bodies. Without a doubt, Paula was the luckiest person today, for she was given the best gift in the world, her freedom, and not even with all the gold in the world could she repay Peter for that. With that thought, she fell asleep peacefully, without even dedicating a tiny, fleeting thought to her father Rodrigo.

The next day, Lady Vilma woke up with all her energy, as she was excited for this new and important day in which the future of the Empress kingdom would be defined, it was something totally historical, that she would remember for the rest of her life. She got out of bed and with the help of her maids began to get ready. This day she would wear a casual dress, not too exuberant, but enough to capture the attention of whoever was watching her. Twenty-four hours. She had only twenty-four hours to find the love of her life, the man with whom she would share the rest of her life. It was not exactly an easy decision, far from it. But she, full of positivism, knew how to face all the challenges that life threw at her. She should not be nervous.

-Forgive me for asking, Lady Vilma, but... Is today a special day? -asked one of the maids when she saw that the princess was getting ready.

Vilma should not tell the truth, it was not appropriate to tell her maids that the destiny of the kingdom rested on her, of course not.

-No, Esperanza, I simply got up wanting to give the best image of myself, and that includes, of course, wearing a beautiful dress and a wonderful hairstyle. There are days when one wants to feel pretty, and this is one of them, don't you think?

-Of course I do, Lady Vilma, it is extremely necessary for a woman to enhance her beauty from time to time. Today is a splendid day, the sky is clear, and the sun is shining in all its splendor, so we must take advantage of it," added the maid.

-Without a doubt, I agree with you entirely, Esperanza.

After getting ready, the princess went down to the dining room, where her parents were waiting for her.

-Good morning," said Vilma, as she sat down.

-Good morning.

-How was your evening? -said the queen.

-Wonderful, it was a wonderful rest, the best of all," exclaimed the princess.

-I am very happy, daughter," said the queen. -Now, please help yourself to whatever you like, today is a very special day for you, and for the whole kingdom," she exclaimed, as she served herself some strawberries.

At the end of breakfast, the princess asked to get her carriage ready, today she would also go for a ride in the kingdom of Empress.

-Right away, Lady Vilma," replied the attendant, as he left for the stable.

Upon arriving at the stable, he informed the attendant that the princess wished to take a carriage ride, so the attendant called the chauffeur David, who was more than ready to make all the princess' wishes come true.

-Right away, sir," answered David, when the stable manager ordered him to take the carriage to the castle entrance.

This time David would make sure that the horses were perfectly fastened to the carriage so that a mishap similar to the previous day, where he thought it would cost him his job, but which the generosity of the princess decided to tolerate, would not occur. Arriving at the castle entrance, Lady Vilma exited the castle, and walked to the carriage, where David gladly bade her good morning and helped her into the carriage in the most gentlemanly manner possible.

-Where would you like me to take you today, Lady Vilma? -asked David.

-I don't think I have anywhere in mind today. I would rather like you to take me somewhere that you know, that is nice, a place where I can take beautiful pictures, that will make my soul happy," said Vilma, while holding the small bag where she kept her camera.

-As you command, I know of a place that you will probably love, especially for its incredible landscapes, with amazing colors and very beautiful shades," commented David, with an air of enthusiasm, as he found the perfect place for the princess.

-Wonderful, let's go there," he replied, while smiling excitedly. 

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