Part 14

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Meanwhile, Jimmy was about to reach the Grenfit Bridge when he saw a man following him, and he got scared, so he ran and hid behind a dry tree. He waited for the man to pass, then continued on his way, got on his bike and arrived at the Grenfit Bridge. It was ten past eight, but he didn't think it would hurt that he was late. Jimmy grabbed his binoculars and pointed his eyes toward the bridge, but there was nothing there except the gentleman he had bumped into arriving, who was scratching his head, as if gesturing in confusion. Suddenly, Jimmy witnessed something that puzzled him. A man came out of the trees, and Jimmy recognized him instantly, it was a neighbor of his, Mr. Otilio, Doña Rosa's husband. But... What was he doing there? Then Otilio shot the man with a gun, he fell to the ground, into the darkness. Jimmy didn't do anything, he was scared to death, he knew it, he knew it was a trap - Jimmy said to himself, taking his bicycle and going back. Actually, they wanted to kidnap them, the princesses, but why? Why, and more importantly, why don Otilio, what if Otilio has Greta, what if he wanted to steal the three princesses, he thought, pedaling the bike faster and faster. He had to tell Princess Vilma and Princess Genesis. They had to know, although..., on second thought, maybe he wouldn't tell them, he always liked to solve mysteries on his own, and this, without a doubt, was a mystery that screamed "Jimmy" at the top of his lungs. And he knew that, of course he did.

The next day Paula said goodbye to Eydelme and rushed to the station. She didn't want anything bad to happen to her. But, three blocks from arriving at the police station, Paula stopped dead in her tracks. Paula stopped in front of a store whose windows displayed the doll that her father had taken from her, it cost very little, but Paula, after seeing that there was no money, had to leave, with the desire to be able to play with the doll gnawing at her heart. It was the doll she most wanted to be able to use, but she could not buy it.

Meanwhile, Rodrigo was walking down the street. He went out to buy some beers, but while he was walking he saw a flyer posted at a bus stop where Eydelme was offering her service, the same flyer with which Paula had found Eydelme, and, after all, it had a picture of Mrs. Eydelme.

-Now you're going to pay for it, you old busybody, wait until I find you, you'll see," said Rodrigo burning with anger.

And he took the steering wheel, and smashed it to pieces. And he went in the direction that was written on the steering wheel.

Meanwhile, Paula was arriving at the police station. She advanced to the office that said: "denounces" and asked for the attention of the lady who was attending.

-I want to denounce my father," said Paula, somewhat surprised by the words that had come out of her mouth.

The officer looked at her with perplexity.

-Y... Why do you want to denounce him, girl?

-He killed my mother, with a, with a gun," said Paula, and the next thing she saw was an expression of horror on the officer's face.

A few moments later she was giving the officer as much information as she could. When she finished, the officer told Paula to take a seat and to calm down, that everything would soon be all right.

-Do you have someone who can take care of you, while he, while he is in custody? -asked the officer.

-Yes, thank you very much, I'm staying at the house of, of.... -Paula didn't want to say the word psychic, so she lied, -I'm staying with an aunt, mom's sister," she added.

-Oh, great, if you want I can take you to your aunt's house," said the officer.

-Oh, no, no, no, no, it's not necessary, I love walking, I really do. It's something I enjoy very much," said Paula.

-No, I insist, such a little girl should not walk alone in the streets of the kingdom, you can see what happened to Princess Greta, come on, I'll take you," said the officer, and Paula had no choice but to accept.

When they got into the patrol car, Paula told her Eydelme's address, but not exactly, so when they arrived at the block she pointed to a house three houses before Eydelme's. "Thank you very much for the ride," said Paula.

-Thank you so much for the ride," said Paula.

-You're welcome, child, and remember, whatever you need, you can ask me. Count on me, you are not alone.

-Thank you very much," said Paula.

-With pleasure," she said.

-Goodbye, officer," said Paula.

Paula waited for the officer to leave in the patrol car so she could go to Eydelme's house. Upon arriving at the house, she opened the door which, strangely, had a broken keyhole, then entered the house and was extremely surprised to see that there were two broken plastic chairs, and that the stovepipe was open. He went to close it right away. But all at once, he heard a groan coming from Eydelme's room. She had never gone into her room, not even to clean. Eydelme would not give her permission, but, as she got close to the doorway she saw that it was ajar and decided to see what was going on. Upon entering, he saw Eydelme lying on the floor, crying for help, but in a very weak voice. She had several cuts, including one on her neck that, if not treated soon, could kill her.

-Oh, for God's sake, Eydelme, what happened? -said Paula, approaching her, "Where is the telephone? I have to call an ambulance," she said in a concerned manner, seeing the severe bruises on Eydelme, including one on her neck where it looked like someone wanted to strangle her.

Eydelme pointed to the bedside table, there was a house phone there, Paula picked it up and quickly dialed 911, suddenly, out of the door came a shadow. Paula didn't see it, but Eydelme did, and she tried to point with her eyes to make Paula turn around. But when she turned around it was already too late, her father, Mr. Rodrigo came with a cotton handkerchief covered in doroform, and put it in the girl's mouth before she could let out a scream.

-Sh, sh, sh, sh, sleep, my child, sleep," said Rodrigo, pressing the handkerchief to his mouth, and holding Paula in his arms as she fell asleep. Eydelme, knowing what was good for her, played dead and so Rodrigo had to save himself the trouble of murdering her, and add another one to the list. Then Rodrigo took Paula to the forest, he knew an abandoned cabin where the two of them could live happily ever after, without interruption.

-There we will live happily, my love, you and I, alone, far from any meddler who wants to get in our way, won't we, my Paula?

Meanwhile, the police arrived at Rodrigo's house, but finding no one, they decided to wait a few hours. However, there was no sign that anyone was planning to come, so they believed the girl had lied to them, so they cancelled the investigation.      

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