Part 40

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Meanwhile, Isabel and Fabio were watching over Greta, when suddenly, someone was heard to say:

-Where am I?

Isabel turned her eyes to where Princess Greta was resting, who, surprisingly, had her eyes open.

-Greta, Greta, you finally woke up, my daughter, you had us so worried, you don't know how much, thank heaven you are already with us and nothing bad will happen to you," said Isabel, while she stroked her hair.

-Mom? -asked the princess.

-Yes, yes, I am Isabel, your mother, and he is Fabio, your father, surely you have already forgotten us, since you were kidnapped when you were a little girl," said Isabel.

-No, I have not forgotten you, I still remember you, I never forgot you for a single second during the time I was locked up," said Greta, then she remembered the wedding, and the coronation, and her eyes clouded over, "Mom, why did you give my crown to Vilma? That crown is mine, it doesn't belong to her, why did you do it, mom? It's mine, it's mine," cried Greta.

-Yes, my daughter, that crown is yours, and it will be yours, I promise you, it's just that Vilma was crowned because we thought you had died," Isabel told her.

-Why didn't you ever look for me, why were the officers so useless," she exclaimed exalted.

-Daughter, yes we looked for you, we looked for you by sea and land, in every house of the kingdom, but how stupid we were, not to look for you inside our own castle, how stupid, forgive us, daughter, please," her father begged.

-No father, don't worry, it is evident that German did not act clumsily at all, he had every move planned," Greta told him.

-But, honey, tell us, tell us how your kidnapping happened," Isabel wanted to know.

-Mom, I was just in the park, and a man took me by the hand and forced me to follow him against my will. I was a ten year old girl, I couldn't do anything to defend myself. He then put me in a car, tied my hands, and put me to cover my eyes, after that, I only remember that they took my handkerchief when I was already in that dark and disgusting cubicle - said Greta, while tears started to show in her eyes.

-Oh, my life, you don't know how sorry I am, really, it's something I can't conceive, the fact that we were so foolish to let that incompetent Flor take care of you. But don't worry, she paid with her life for having lost you that afternoon in the park," said Isabel.

-I'm so glad, Mom, that people like her will pay for what they've done. My freedom is not something that is a game, and she deserves it, but you know who deserves it too, German. He has to die, he is going to die," said Greta.

And it was in that sentence, where Vilma discovered that her daughter Greta had returned, it was her without a doubt, she had always liked to be the winner, the best in everything. And her pride, in spite of everything she had gone through during those years locked up, had not faded.

-Yes, daughter, he will die, you will see that he will, I promise you," said Isabel.

And Fabio nodded.

Meanwhile, Koda was in the cells in the basement of the castle, and at that moment some officers arrived with two arrested persons, a woman and a man of about seventy years of age, whom they locked in one of the cells. He remembered that only a few minutes ago they had brought in a somewhat young adult, about thirty years old, and he was extremely surprised that they would lock up so many people who would be subjected to a real trial. He looked at the guard guarding his cell and approached him.

-Sir, do you know what happened, why they are locking up so many people? -asked Koda.

-That's none of your business, boy," said the guard.

Koda returned to his cement bench and sat down on it, closed his eyes, wishing in his heart of hearts that tomorrow would never come. However, he knew there was no escape, tomorrow he would have to meet death face to face and there was no escape.

-Tomorrow I'll meet you, Mom," he thought. 

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