Part 10

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Meanwhile, David had already served his punishment, and Mr. Stuart, after checking that he had done it exactly to the letter, let him out. But he, instead of going out for recess and having fun, preferred to take his revenge on Mr. Stuart. He couldn't let him get away with it, he messed with his dignity, and he of course was going to respond. He waited for Stuart to leave the classroom and quietly walked in making sure no one had seen him enter. He walked stealthily to the teacher's desk, through the window he could see some kids running, but they were far enough away that he didn't worry too much about being seen. He found Mr. Stuart's briefcase in a desk drawer and scrutinized it. Inside there were only papers, but they were all business papers, those were of no interest to him, he checked better to see if there was anything else and found some letters addressed to Stuart where his address appeared.

-Bingo! -David whispered when he found Professor Stuart's address, he wrote it down in one of his notebooks and tiptoed out of the room, that was all David needed, just his address.

Very soon Stuart would be getting a visit he wished he had never received. David laughed evilly, then went off to play soccer with his friends in the small school square.

Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth was in conversation with King Fabius.

-I know that the death of the vixen Flower will not bring me back my little princess Greta. But at least I will feel more at ease that the one who is to blame for my daughter's death has paid with her life," said Isabella.

-How can you rejoice at such an act of violence, how can you celebrate that the servant girl was killed, of course I did not like her carelessness, not at all, but you should not behave like that, remember that education is everything," said King Fabius.

-I behave as I please. And yes, I'm glad, I'm glad that that vile maid is three meters under the ground. And I am glad that she was humiliated in front of the whole kingdom, punishment for those who deserve punishment, fire for those who seek fire," said Queen Isabella, "now will you accompany me on my morning walk in the garden, I would like to relax a little and breathe some fresh air," she added.

-Of course, of course," said King Fabius, taking her by the hand, not at all happy with her attitude, that was not the way a queen would behave in such a situation. But, on the other hand, everyone behaves as they wish no matter what position they are in and what privileges they enjoy. Meanwhile, Vilma was locked in her room, it was part of the punishment for having left the castle without permission. She was playing with some dolls to distract herself. She had as many dolls as any girl could wish for, but sometimes the more you have the less you value them, and Vilma did not give them the treatment they deserved. She pretended one of the dolls was Greta, another doll was her and, a big ugly bear was the evil kidnapper. And then the big ugly bear would steal one of the dolls and take her away, and Vilma doll would be left crying because the bear had stolen her little sister and she no longer had anyone to play with. This was the game that Vilma had repeated about three times in the solitude of her room. Then suddenly she remembered that the day had arrived when something was going to happen at eight o'clock on the Grenfit Bridge. The ragged man and the lady knew where Princess Greta was, and she was not going to be able to go, there was no way she could escape from the castle. And there was also no way for Princess Genesis to come from the kingdom of Cilindrar, which was quite far away, about twenty-five kilometers, to the Grenfit Bridge. Princess Vilma heard something that stunned her, it was a cry, a cry for help, but she would recognize that cry anywhere, it was a cry from Princess Greta, from her sister. She ran out of the room, but on the threshold of the door was a guard watching that Princess Vilma did not leave.

-I'm sorry, Princess, but I have detailed instructions not to let you leave until Queen Elizabeth authorizes me in person," said the guard.

-Luis, you don't understand. I have to go out, it's just, it's just, I heard my sister, Greta, she's here, nearby, I swear, it really was her. She needs help, I have to look for her," she begged.

-Lady Vilma, you understand that if Princess Greta were nearby we would have found her by now, so what you say is a total falsehood, I'm sorry, I can't let you leave. I know you are desperate to find your sister but these are the queen's orders and I cannot disobey them, I do not want to get into a fight with the queen," said Luis.

Princess Vilma let a disappointed expression shine on her face. Then she had no choice but to ignore her sister Greta's call for help, but after thinking it over, perhaps it had been a figment of her imagination, perhaps it was a falsehood, just as the guard Luis had said. However, there was something that was not a falsehood, and that was that today at eight o'clock something would happen that had to do with Princess Greta and he could not ignore that, he would not ignore it. He ran to Luis and said:

-Would you do me a favor, Luis, please? -said Princess Vilma.

Luis was quite surprised, Vilmita had never asked him for a favor before.

-And what would that favor be," he asked.

-Today at eight o'clock at night, go to the Grenfit Bridge and tell me what you see there," said Princess Vilma.

-Today I leave at three o'clock in the afternoon, so yes, I can help you," he said, "May I ask for what reason you want me to go to the Grenfit Bridge, Lady Vilma? -he added.

-Ah, this one, you'll have to wait, it's a surprise, but I assure you it will be wonderful," lied Princess Vilma, crossing the fingers of her right hand behind her so that Luis could not see. She had never told such a serious lie, but it was at stake that her little sister would show up and she had to do it.

-Ahhh, well in that case, count me in, curious princess," said Luis, smiling.

-I thank you very much," said Vilma, and smiled too.

Then he went into his room and tried to play with the dolls, but he couldn't do it, he kept thinking about Greta and the mysterious call for help he had heard, but in the end, after much thought, he decided to attribute it to his imagination.  

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