Part 26

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In the meantime, David was already ready to go to the royal castle in the morning to apply for a job as a carriage driver. Joshua, before leaving for the job, had wished him the best of luck and his mother, for her part, had told him that everything was going to be all right and that whatever would happen would happen, so David, with all the encouragement he could muster, went to the royal castle and applied for the job. In the castle there was a small office with 12 hour service by a secretary, there David made an appointment with the trainer to learn how to control the horses and to know how the carriage business was. Upon arriving with the trainer, Mr. Jose realized that David was astutely quick to learn things and that it wouldn't take him long to get the hang of it.

-Well, boy, I think you really want this job, so I'll just give it to you. But I must warn you that a vacancy was needed for a reason, and the queen fires them all the time, so I only warn you to keep your eyes open," said José.

-Really, sir, you won't regret it. You will see that I will comply with everything you tell me and that I will be the best chauffeur you have ever had, it is a great pleasure for me that you have given me this job," said David, in a cheerful manner.

And he really felt happy, he had woken up with all the spirits in the world and hoped that getting the job would not lower his spirits, but on the contrary they went up. Then Joseph said goodbye to David and told him that he had to be attentive because as soon as someone of the royal family needed him, he had to serve them.

-As you command, Don José," said David.

And José came out of the huge garage. He could not believe it, he barely asked for a job and they gave it to him at once. That was something that did not happen every day, he couldn't wait to tell his mother and Josué; however, he had to wait until the end of the day since José had told him that a driver was so badly needed that he could stay to work today, which he accepted without a second thought. So, David, very anxious, was ready to wait, he was dying to deal with royalty, royalty, he couldn't believe it. He was going to be with royalty just a few feet away in just a few short hours or minutes, he never imagined himself carrying such a job. He had always been told that the queen was a very moody person, but he, being from the lowest lifestyle in society, would make sure to let the queen know how blessed she was so she wouldn't feel unhappy at all. And with that he would win her heart. There was nothing to fear, it was only her first day on the job, her first day of real and true work. What bad could happen?

Meanwhile Peter had already waited about forty minutes inside the cave and he was getting tired, he had to get out, he could not keep waiting. If those policemen were out there, they would have already gone into the cave to investigate, but it was obvious that they were not there, he had to get out, he could not go on a minute longer inside that humid cave. So, taking his briefcase, he went out, hoping that the policemen had already left. He came out of the cave and, although he had not spent much time inside, he was dazzled by the strong sunlight. He covered his eyes and waited for them to adjust to the light. He listened hard. No footsteps. No running. No hands pushing through the undergrowth. They were gone. There were only the sounds of birds and a few squirrels frolicking in the trees, but thank heaven, and to Peter's good fortune, no police on the shore. He held the briefcase tightly and began the walk, around him stretched a great sum of trees of all colors, but in which green predominated. Peter looked around, nothing, no indication that there was a trail or at least a sign to get out of the forest. But... on the other hand, why did he want to get out of the forest, if he was highly sought after by the police and if they managed to catch him, he would have to say goodbye to this world. Peter complained, he complained about not having had a Koda or a David or a Mario to stop him and tell him that he was taking a risk, because even he knew it, surely the whole kingdom had already placed a picture of him in different strategic points with the words "wanted", and as soon as he left there he would be immediately arrested, or alerted to the police by a cyclist or a neighbor who seeks to keep the kingdom safe and free of such undesirable people as he was. So, he set out to walk, he could not stand still and wait another minute, no solution was going to come to him if he stood still, he had to look for it on his own. He had to find something, whatever it was, he couldn't not look for a solution to his problem, so he started to walk and walk, he walked for about twenty minutes, jumping over small mud puddles, or removing from the path dry logs or branches that got in his way. He had always wanted to do that, making his way through the undergrowth was something that curiously satisfied him, it made him feel good about himself, then after about half an hour a huge trunk of a cut evolution crossed in front of him, he set out to jump over it, of course he could have gone around it, but if anything characterized Peter it was his excitement for life and his craving for challenges, and this certainly represented a challenge for him. He grabbed hold of an indentation in the trunk and placing his right foot in the shape of an L, he set out to climb the thick trunk of about two and a half meters, it was extremely large, when he was half way up, he slipped and fell to the ground hitting his hip, nothing to be alarmed about, it only made the challenge more attractive, he started again, this time where his left foot had slipped, He made sure to avoid that part and continued climbing, grabbing branches from other trees or sticking his foot into others that the animals had made to make that old dry tree their home, Peter's foot got full of creepy crawlies when he stuck it into one of the holes, but after a shake and a flutter from those that did have wings, and a sharp three foot drop from those that didn't, Peter kept climbing.

As he reached the crown of the log, he spotted an old cabin about a hundred yards away that was somewhat neat in its surroundings and Peter's curiosity told him that there had to be something in there, something from inside was screaming for them to come and see it. As he got closer he was surprised to find that the door was locked with three padlocks. No doubt there was something inside, no one puts three padlocks on the door of a hut that has nothing special inside, it belonged to someone, but... who? Who would feel the slightest desire to live in the deepest part of the forest, far from civilization and contact with other people, something that certainly took isolation to another level. A small skunk hugged Peter's foot, Peter instinctively shook it just as he had done with the bugs, thus making a terrible mistake, the skunk detached itself from Peter's foot, but after that it stretched its tail and released a kind of gas, something similar to urine, which made Peter cover his nose for quite a while. After the stench had dissipated and the skunk had run away, Peter approached the cabin and knocked on the door, with his fist he knocked twice on the old cedar wood. No doubt whoever had put those three padlocks had not analyzed the state of the door very well, for Peter calculated that with three very strong kicks he could break it down perfectly well, and see what was inside without needing the keys that opened those three padlocks. 

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