Part 50

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Elizabeth and Fabius had the servants go for Princess Greta and Queen Vilma. When the whole family was gathered in the royal hall, Vilma added:

-What is the matter? -Vilma wanted to know.

-Her mother and I have decided to go for a walk, to greet all the inhabitants of the kingdom. Everyone already knows that Greta is back, but many have not yet seen her in person, and we thought it would be a nice opportunity to share with the inhabitants of the kingdom and, by the way, to spend some time together as a family," said Mr. Fabio, and motioned to the servant to open the front door.

-These last few days have been very hectic, certainly we have had arguments, but see in this quiet walk a time to find peace within yourself and generate that beautiful harmony that every family should have," said Isabel, serenely.

Vilma and Greta agreed. However, the princess was a little reluctant.

The people of the kingdom approached when they saw the royal carriage pass by, with the desire to be greeted by royalty, and also with a great excitement to see how much lady Greta had changed since she was a child of only ten years old. The townspeople greeted Lady Greta and marveled at her enchanting beauty. Greta, for her part, returned their greetings in a very jovial manner and tried to give others the living image of an empowered, dominant and successful woman. She did not want to earn the reputation of a traumatized woman who after twelve years of kidnapping refuses to socialize with other people, no, Greta had never been known for being shy or self-conscious, and she was not going to be so now.

They arrived at the pigeon fountain, there was the same man who, some time ago, had given Princess Vilma a bag full of corn to feed the pigeons. The man approached Greta and Vilma and gave them a bag of corn. They were both very grateful to him, and instantly threw some corn kernels to the approaching pigeons.

-This is a lot of fun, isn't it, Greta? -asked Vilma, affably.

Greta, for her part, ignored her.

The queen lowered her gaze and let the other inhabitants of the kingdom observe Vilma, who looked downcast and melancholic.

-Vilma, what is it, my dear? -questioned Isabel, with an inquisitive look.

-Oh, no, nothing's wrong, mother," said Vilma, and automatically let her teeth show in an affectionate smile.

Isabel, satisfied with the answer, continued waving to the inhabitants of the kingdom.

When they arrived at the castle, Fabio expressed his desire to go and lie down for a few minutes, as he felt very tired. Elizabeth, for her part, asked Lady Greta to join her for a cup of tea in the royal parlor. The princess was a little shy at the request; since she had returned, she had not had any time alone with her mother. -Of course, mother, I'll be right with you," said Lady Greta, a little nervously.

Vilma, for her part, told her family that she was going to take a bath, during the walk she had been agitated and now she just longed for a moment of distraction.

Meanwhile, Princess Greta took a sip of her chamomile tea.

-It's still missing a teaspoon of sugar," said Greta, taking some sugar from the sugar bowl.

-Of course, take whatever you like," said her mother, looking at her expectantly.

In spite of the years in which she was not only deprived of her freedom, but also deprived of her lessons in manners and etiquette, Greta still maintained exquisite manners that would surprise anyone.

-What is your favorite tea, mother? -Greta asked, and took a sip of her tea.

-I like red tea very much, but I also enjoy chamomile tea very much," added Isabel.

-Of course, I see," said Greta.

-During these twelve long years there wasn't a single day that I didn't remember you, you were always present in my mind, alive in my memory. Ever since I saw you at the entrance of the royal hall at your sister's coronation, something inside me revived, that something was the love I had for you, daughter. I am the luckiest mother, because I recovered my daughter, my daughter that I thought was dead," said Isabel, happily.

-When I was kidnapped, mother, I always remembered you, I never forgot what your face was like, what your voice was like, I never forgot anything about you, and, although you were not physically present, you gave me the strength to continue day by day, to get ahead," said Greta.

Isabel approached her and gave her a big hug.

-You know how much I missed your hugs, daughter," said Isabel.

-I missed you too, mom, I missed you very much, you made me miss you so much, where I was locked up everything was darkness, everything was darkness and suffering, mom," said Greta, with her feelings in full bloom.

-Don't worry, you're safe now, mommy takes care of you, sweetheart, mommy takes care of you," she said, placing a tender kiss on her forehead.

-I will always love you, Mommy," she said.

-Me too, my princess, I will always love you, no matter what happens, no matter what you decide to do, you will always have my unconditional support.

-Really, mom? -Greta wanted to know.

-Yes, of course, how can you even doubt something like that? -her mother questioned.

-So, do you support me becoming the queen of Empress? -Greta blurted out, and the beautiful atmosphere in which they both stood crumbled.

-Daughter, I..., that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. I hope that, as the mature woman that you are, you accept that your behavior was not elidonious, don't you? -asked her mother, looking her in the eyes.

-Mom, but Vilma behaved badly with me, she was very cruel, I only defended myself," excused Greta.

-Greta, the way you behaved, the way you demanded the crown is polite. And, unfortunately in this case I do agree with Vilma. She said she would not give you the crown, but when she saw that you were ready, she would do it, why better, if you want that crown so much, first become a queen, remember that the crown does not make the queen, the queen makes the crown, look for that ruler inside you, and let her out, you will see that faster than you can imagine you will be wearing the crown - her mother assured her serenely.

Greta, not satisfied with the answer, exclaimed:

-This talk is over.

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