Part 46

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Vilma, after two minutes of moaning in the garden and ruining her makeup, decided to return to her room, where her husband, King David, was waiting for her.

David, upon seeing her, approached her with great concern and asked her why she was like this.

Vilma told him all about the way Greta had reacted to the news, about the slap, about her overflowing anger. King David hugged her tightly and told her that everything would be all right. At times like that a "it will be all right" from the right person was the only thing that was enough to make her feel safe.

Suddenly a servant came to call King David.

-Your highness, you are requested in the royal hall, Mr. Fabius wants to talk to you about an important matter," said the servant.

-I'll be with you in a second, I thank you," said David.

Then he gave a tender kiss on his wife's forehead.

-Love, will you be all right?

-Of course, David, don't worry, go with my father, tell him I said hello," said Vilma, as she lay down on the bed, a little distressed.

David left the room. Vilma, lying on the bed, had the great idea of telling someone else everything that was going on, but.... But to whom? Of course, to her friend, Queen Genesis, she needed to talk to Genesis, of course, no one better to talk to. Every time she talked to her she felt great and the sadness vanished from her life. Queen Vilma took the phone from the bedside table and dialed her friend's number.

-Hello, Genesis? -Vilma said.

-Yes, it's me, Vilma, what a joy to hear from you, you don't know how happy I am to hear from you, we haven't talked since the time you told me how nervous you were about getting a man to marry to become the queen of Empress. Although, I have to say that I already know you got married, if I hadn't, your kingdom would be mine right now, but since it is not, I suspect you managed to find a husband. Well, tell me, Vilma, how are you, what has happened in your life, tell me everything," said Genesis, euphoric.

-Oh, Genesis, I don't even know where to start, really, the things that have happened seem like something out of a movie. Yes, you're right, I got married and, the truth is, it was just as you described it would happen, it was love at first sight, as soon as I saw him, I knew he was the right man. You won't believe who he is, but he was my driver, yes, my driver, heh, heh. Love hides in the most unsuspected places. Those two days were the craziest of my whole life, but it's true, two days were enough to meet the man who would be the love of my life, of that I have no doubt. So, I married him, his name is David, and it was the most wonderful wedding in the world, it was perfect. After the wedding, we moved on to the coronation, where David and I were named king and queen of Empress and it was simply dreamy, just as I had imagined it all my life. But, just as we were named king and queen, my sister Greta came into the room," said Vilma.

-What, Greta, but she is dead, how is that possible? -Genesis wanted to know, intrigued.

-Yes, just as you heard, Greta, she never died, she was kidnapped, but thanks to Jimmy she managed to escape.

-Jimmy, really, you mean Jimmy, my friend, the one who investigated with us that day when we were kids? -Genesis asked.

-Yes, the same one. Jimmy became a castle guard, and thanks to his work he managed to investigate the mystery behind Greta's disappearance, it turned out that Greta was here, hidden in the castle, in the multimedia room, she was being held captive by German, the person in charge of the multimedia room. Thank heaven German is now dead, and his parents, who were accomplices, are behind bars. It was all thanks to Jimmy, if it hadn't been for him Princess Greta would never have appeared, as a reward, I appointed him detective of the Empress kingdom, you would have seen his face, he was the happiest man in the kingdom," said Vilma.

-Wait, what, are you telling me Greta came back, oh my God, it's so incredible, I always thought she was coming back, something inside me told me she wasn't dead. Oh, Vilma, you don't know how happy I am to hear you say that, it's fabulous, you got your sister back, you will be able to live beautiful experiences together, the ones that that bastard German took away from you when you were little girls, what happiness, I'm so happy," said Genesis, full of joy.

-Yes, I'm very happy too, but.... The truth is that since Greta arrived the atmosphere has been very tense, she is not the same Greta who left, and in a way I understand her, I don't pretend that she has been locked up for twelve years and comes back the same, of course not, but when I say she is not the same, I mean that her heart is full of resentment, and her character is very strong and merciless.

-What do you mean, Vilma?

-Well, you see, technically she is the crown, isn't she?

-Yes, that's just what I was going to mention, I wanted to ask you what you plan to do, because if you don't want to give her the crown, no one can force you," said Genesis, while looking at her beautiful pink painted nails.

-Exactly. And the truth is that's what I would like the most, to give her the crown, because I know it belongs to her by age, but... as I told you before, she came back different, she is not the same Greta, and even last night she behaved very rebellious and started to shout things like: "that crown belongs to me", "give me my crown, Vilma". That kind of behavior leaves much to be desired, it is not what is expected of a queen. I don't feel she is fit to reign.

-From what you have told me, I would think that Greta came back something cuckoo from the place where she was locked up, nobody in their right mind is going to scream like that to get the crown. It is obvious that it belongs to her, but a true queen would never behave that way, and I am even afraid that you are going to give the crown to Greta, we don't know what she is capable of, you don't know her, you used to know her, but after so long you stop knowing people. The decision you made was the right one, Vilma," Genesis encouraged her.

-Thank you very much, those were the words I needed to hear, someone to support me in my decision. But, to be honest with you, Princess Greta didn't take the news very well, when I told her that I wouldn't make her queen of Empress this morning, she slapped me very hard, it was horrible, I never thought that my sister would be able to do such a thing. When I found out that Greta had returned, I thought that everything next was going to be laughter and hugs, but no, on the contrary, now everything is worse, I don't like this feeling, Genesis," said the queen.

-Don't worry, you will see that everything will be all right, and that in a few months Lady Greta will come to her senses and you will be able to name her queen of Empress.

-Yes, that's what I want most, I don't mind not being queen anymore, that's the least of my worries, now I just want my sister to calm down and find some peace," said Vilma.

-I hope so, for now, I have to go, I have a swimming class, I loved talking to you, from queen to queen, heh, heh," she smiled.

Vilma giggled.

-See you soon, Genesis, I missed talking to you, you always make me laugh, even at times like this when I'm so down.

-That's what friends are for, I love you, Vilma," Genesis said goodbye.

-I love you too, see you soon! -Vilma said goodbye.

The queen put the phone on the base. Sometimes she needed calls like this one, in which besides letting off steam, she cleared her mind, Genesis was not only a friend to Vilma, she was like the blood sister she lost when she was six years old.

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