Chapter 7

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"Whiskey and coke please!" Sophie shouted over the music that was blaring through the club.

It was now Saturday and precisely two days since the paintballing making it precisely two days since she'd last spoken to Sian. The girls usually avoided each other as much as possible but they'd now been doing it on another level all together. It had been more on Sian's part as Sophie refused to compromise her lifestyle to stay away from the blonde but Sian had done everything in her power to steer clear of Sophie at every given opportunity. If Sophie was doing something that day, she'd make sure she wasn't and if Sophie entered a room, Sian would be the first person to leave it.

Stood in the bustling club now, it was the first time since that day that Sophie and Sian were in the same vicinity for longer than five minutes.

Sophie smiled as the bartender handed her a drink and she passed over the money, taking a sip from the glass as she waited for her change.

"There you go darlin'" the man grinned at her as he handed over the change and Sophie smiled back, grabbing the money before turning and heading back to her friends that were stood at the edge of the dance floor.

Katy turned and smiled at Sophie as she noticed her friend had returned to the group, "You alright Webster?"

Sophie nodded and returned the smile, "Yeah course ... fucking busy in here though isn't it?"

"Well everyone's here! It's a Saturday and we're on holiday!" shouted Katy over the music.

Sophie took a large gulp of her drink, polishing off most of the liquid in the plastic cup in one go causing Sam to look at her questionably.

"Going hard tonight Soph?" laughed Sam, nodding to the drink in the brunette's hand.

"Only way I know how." Sophie grinned and gave Sian a quick wink before turning and looking around the club. Noticing a few familiar faces from her college.

Sophie leant in to Sam, her mouth not far from her ear so she wouldn't have to shout "It would seem most of the girls in here didn't get the memo that dressing like an utter slag isn't entirely necessary."

Sam snorted, "When do the girls in our college miss out on an opportunity to look like tramps?"

"True ..." Sophie took another sip of her drink, looking around the club and watching as everyone else danced along to the beat of the music. She caught the eye of a rather attractive looking blonde girl. Sophie didn't recognise her and was pretty sure she didn't go to college with them. The girl was a little shorter than Sophie and very slim, her wavy, blonde hair cascading over her bare shoulders, a blue strapless dress hugging her figure perfectly as her long, tanned legs were shown off perfectly. The girl was enchanting and the playful smile on her face as she danced along to the music just added to her charm. Her eyes remaining locked with Sophie's caused the brunette to become slightly lost in her beauty.

Sophie was pulled out of her trance as she felt a nudge to her side and turned to see Sam grinning smugly at her.

Sam nodded in the direction of the girl, "Go talk to her."

Sophie frowned, looking back at the girl who was still smiling at her and then back at Sam, "No, I can't do that."

Sam rolled her eyes, "Grow a backbone Webster. You see the way she's dancing at you? Those are her 'come get me if you want me' moves. You see that look in her eyes? That's her 'I want you to take me home and fuck me' look. Now go get her!"

Sam pushed Sophie in the back forcefully, sending her in the direction of the girl. Sophie stumbled somewhat ungracefully with the force of the push and briefly turned her head to shoot Sam a death glare before clearing her throat and taking a few tentative steps forward so she was stood in front of the mystery girl.

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